Metaverse: the complete dematerialization of social relations.

Created in 1992 by the author Neal Stephenson, the term Metaverse represented the digital environment in which the protagonist of the novel.

Snow Crash, this is the name of the protagonist, moved within the Metaverse, by means of an avatar.

Along these lines, after 30 years, the fruit of Stephenson's imagination has become reality.

In the "real" Metaverse (not the one of Crash) you can interact with other users, through an avatar and with the help of augmented reality.

Obviously you need some of the accessories that allow the use of augmented reality such as smart glasses, helmets, visors, suits and gloves both equipped with touch sensors.

With the advent of the Metaverse we are introduced into the evolution of the Internet: from two-dimensionality to three-dimensionality.

Zuckerberg said that the Metaverse will be a free, open and interoperable space. In this metaphysical space immediate cooperation between companies, developers and even political figures is possible.

This statement of Zuckerberg appears to be quite antithetic with the spirit aimed at the centralization of data: the most used social (that we remember includes Instagram and Whatsapp) is owned by him...

Last but not least I remember that it would like to change its name to Meta... which says a lot...

Going back to the Metaverse, new technologies are sure to implement all 5 senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste)...

In the corporate environment, it has great advantages: meetings could be held directly from home, meeting, in fact, in the Metaverse.

Not only that, by making informed use of the Metaverse you can open up endless possibilities to the world of marketing.

I can illustrate a product to a client who is on the other side of the world, without even moving from my office!

For the moment, however, who is benefiting from this Metaverse is the gaming world: you can interact with other players with three-dimensional avatars.

In addition, it is also possible to monetize one's online activities by obtaining real income: here are blockchain and NFT.

Through NFT you can digitally represent real assets.

We can then talk about the Crypto Metaverse; the best ones currently available on the market are 5:

- Decentraland (MANA)

- Axie Infinity (AXS)

- Metaverse Index (MVI)

- The Sandbox (SAND)

- Somnium Space (CUBE)

Decentraland (MANA)

The platform, through the proprietary token, MANA, allows its players to purchase land and use it for a wide variety of possibilities.

You can build residential buildings, recreational spaces and anything else you can build.

The interesting part is that the capitalization of these digital buildings, give a real income, remunerated in MANA tokens.

Another interesting aspect is that the MANA token is a Governance token, that is, it gives the possibility, through voting, to be able to endorse or not the changes to the system.

Axie Infinity (AXS)

Inspired by Pokemon, in this game you don't need a spasmodic search for characters, but rather the purchase of an NFT that represents an animal that must be raised and trained to fight.

By completing the proposed activities you can earn and sell tokens.

It should be noted that the platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain, and in order to limit costs and speed up transactions, everything is moved to layer 2 Ronin.

Metaverse Index (MVI)

This token allows you to enter the metaverse world without any playful purpose.

In fact this token is comparable to an EFT (Exchange Traded Fund) of the metaverse; through the purchase of this token is comparable to the purchase of a stock.

Obviously the tokens are developed on the Ethereum blockchain.

The Sandbox (SAND)

It's back to tokens with a playful background.

Users of this platform can create, sell and buy unique items.

The platform is based on 3 main components: VoxEdit, for the creation of unique items and the attribution of the relative NTF SAND; the Marketplace where NTFs can be sold/buy; and the Gamers, which gives life to the actual Metaverse where you can interact with other users through avatars.

As usual the token is an ERC-20 on the blockchain Ethereum.

Somnium Space (CUBE)

"Summa" of the Metaverse is this platform where you can create, even, digital worlds and NFT resources.

This system based on CUBE tokens, gives you the opportunity to experience the virtual worlds you create, before buying them.

Just think, it is possible to dine in a restaurant designed by another player!

The possibilities offered by the Metaverse are many, but you must pay the same attention that you use for DeFi!