Metaverse and SmartBCH Opportunities

Metaverse continues to emerge following the announcement that Facebook has changed the company name to Meta, which could lead to the renaming of the social media website later.

The visible world with Oculus or other headsets, unlimited and unlimited power.

Almost all of us have used the same forums but not with real-time headsets. It should at least be fun in the games.

But metaverse as a concept is more than just sports and entertainment.

Focusing on creating this digital space we will not know that this will only be for Facebook, but all websites will need to change their standards and use new technologies that provide virtual reality platforms and NFTs that will become the level of virtual patent technology.

SmartBCH will be part of the Metaverse. We will be able to login with our smartBCH METAMASK and maintain a list of NFTs in our portable fund for the various websites we visit.

We will buy digital items to build our visual room, buy land, buy goods and anything we can think of but it all will depend on the environment we use.

The visible world will never end. Decentraland is one of them but if you look at the Ethereum funds, they will not work. There are a few others who are trying but who will look dirty in those tutical universes technology companies and sports giants will develop.

Life will turn into a gamified experience, and it will probably eat away at Metaverse. Now aren’t we always in front of our screens and how hard are we struggling to find the time to walk or go on vacation?

Metaverse will be much more realistic than that. It is more addictive than the internet and as technology advances we will probably waste there at least four hours every day, maybe some will soon be living their lives in Metaverse.

You jump from the platform to the platform, earning a living or becoming better at the opportunities it offers.

An improved internet that has been thought of since the development of the first 3D technology. SmartBCH has a lot of quality to be an effective Metaverse engine, or at least parts of it. It is an advanced version of Ethereum, which works as a sidechain in Bitcoin Cash, taking the best of both.

We will see that Metaverse becomes a reality in a few years or perhaps decades later, but whatever happens networks like SmartBCH will support it better.

Personally, I think I will probably use Metaverse instead of the internet. Although, it will take time to repair and we will also need real life. Perhaps, we will completely change the use of personal computers with the Oculus headset and completely stop using screens.

If there is an opportunity and a place to have time to relax and have fun, then it will probably make the internet look bad.

And, perhaps Metaverse will be different, there will not be so much hostility, as we testify online, though I may be mistaken in this. It is often easy for people to become angry with others when they meet them online. It has to be the way we work together, without looking at the person directly.

We have to wait years to find out how this technology will change our habits and lifestyle, but if we look at other multiplayer games we probably already know.

(All images used on Pixabay, are not copyrighted)