Meta Toy City - Adventure P2P Game on Polygon!

Polygon's game dev part has been going on good. Compared to other chains, they seem to be getting the preference. As everything as far the development and deployment is considered, it's lot easier to do so for those who have experience with Ethereum chain. I have noticed that there are some good retro and the adventure games coming out too. So I found one more game in the adventure category.

Meta toy city is a verse where you may find the NFT toys and the human characters with which you are going to be playing the game would be in the same place. And then each quest and the battle you play would be part of the P2P reward system.

They seem to be regularly hosting the Mint day and the NFTs are distributed into the chain. You may notice that MGOLD token is being used in their marketplace and it's on the layer 2 of the Polygon chain.

This is a multi player role playing game and the graphics that you see here is from the retro adventure game like. And so does the NFTs too. The two tokens - $ZMT and $MGOLD. You may find that for a multiplayer game this game offers pretty cool experience that too in the adventure game.

There are multiple battle games that are included into the game - field battle, raid and the dungeon raid. And each of those actions would be rewarding you too. And on the top of that you would have the marketplace for selling your items in the market.

You can check out the trailer to get an idea.

The game is available on the Android and the iOS marketplace for download the app. The game is just out and it has yet to have a strong userbase but we have to wait for the market to have some demand for variety of it's assets. That being said, it's a good game worth trying out.

You can check out - Meta Toy City!