Meet your Favorite HashBastards  Interview!


Today I am coming with all yes the owner, the Artist and Creator of Hashbastard…

On these days our great NFTs community comes with one of his main creator and collector..

Of course Funny and kind also a very good person

Yes you  know what I am talking about.

And how !

Keeping on road my 10 questions

I like to begin by just talking about yourself like a person and Artist.


If this is not a problem right?


First question


1- Where do you come from?


I’m from the great Bastard state of Ohio in the United States of America!

Yeah ummmkmmm


2- Can you talk about you? Your name or nickname


My official name is HashBastards, but my friends just call me Bastard. Or Hashy.


3- When you begin in this world is it difficult or just an easy road?


I’d say it’s fun! It's like going on vacation from the real world. You get to do whatever the hell you want and be whatever you want. Find something you genuinely love, find people you genuinely get along with, and have fun. Of course it’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it!


4- Where comes the HashBastards idea and why?


I’ve always loved memes. And at the start the goal was to make memes about the intersection of investing/pop culture/and NFT’s in general. But as I went on it kind of turned into a community focused collection. Really just trying to capture the moments and the mindset of this crazy time and community.


5- How many artists right now want to collaborate?

I do get a lot of requests for collaborations, and I try to do as many as I can. I love doing collaborations because it’s fun for both artists, exploring a different style than your own and finding the perfect way for your collections to mash together.


6- How will be your first choice?


One collab I haven’t done yet that I really want to do is one with CryptoPervs!

7- What do you feel about the creation of one of your HashBastards


I love all the Bastards, but if I had to pick a favorite I’d have to go with either #50, the collab with CryptoStacys (the first female bastard, monumental), or #69, the collab with CryptoWeeWees.

Woww thats is so cool veryyy on it..

8- Do you heard about Wax?


I’ve heard about Wax but it’s a platform I’m not on yet. I need to be!

It will be very good WAXP and Eosio are very easy to use and also are Free without fees for create your work.....

9- Why did you choose ETH in the first place?


I chose ETH because of the technology and the future. I believe in ETH, and I thought it had the firmest foundation to start on.

Yes going on land with the safe of a stablish already very nice think.

I have two questions. I hope you like it.   


10-What do you feel about your paper in the NFTs community?


I’d like to think I make people laugh and help bring people together. If I’m not doing either of those things then I’m failing at my job.

Is so real thanks this question is a little crazy but is what people really follows you yeahh ..

And my last question

11-Do you like to say something to our Newbies In NFTs world! A good advised.?


My biggest piece of advice is to stay consistent and stay active! The NFT community is the biggest thing you need to understand before getting into NFT’s. You have to 100% buy into the culture and you’ll be well on your way. One day at a time, one sale at a time. And just have fun with whatever the hell you’re doing!


This is just great Hashbastard here in the house hope you like it and learn something new about your Artist

This community is doing the best everyday thanks so much to this wonderful Artist and person

Is an Honor


Keep in touch with our interviews. I will bring more about HashBastard. His links are here if you want to give a follow to the man behind the Art.


Give a follow up if you want to be more around his Artist……


Thanks so much friends


Friends if you want to support my write it will be very cool

Thanks so much







Thanks so much all good help will be very good use friends????