Meet the artist lil MunK

Here we are again here is an artist that started of in OPENSEA but decide to join WAX blockchain his NFTs are quite quirky buy have gather a little following so I had to try get the low down on his project and what was his ideas behind the project .

Hey What’s up?

Not much in work you ?

Home from work, finally a easy day. And working on some art .

Oh nice guessing its for your project ?

Yeah Season 1 has all of its monsters. But working on my season 2 pack while I wait for a second.

Ah when you hoping to have season 2 ready?

Well Pretty much its almost done and I haven't even released 1 yet so I'm a bit head of myself. Season 1 will have a pack and b pack. Both will have a certain monster you can blend into a Supermonster . My project is done by myself.

So its a one man show?

Yep and I think my pace doesn't show that or maybe it does. But feels like things go super fast at times.

How did it all began?

Hm. Life mostly. Have had a difficult childhood growing up. Divorced parents, verbal abuse but hey life can be a nightmare. Which I work in the mental health field. Where I help others. So with that be said lil Munk appeared, I love to doodle on back of paper or even clipboards lol .

And what made you get into crypto ?

Stocks. Bought into stocks when covid was happening. Then made some money that way for my family. Then took mental health off for social media but came back. Go into crypto over the beginning of summer. Haha I Have Shiba lol ?? … which you never know right .

Oh god lol and how did you discover NFTs ?

Mmm I discovered that by , Mobius .

Ah what made you start creating?

Well I love art. And well baseball cards the good old days of collecting. Always wanted to be the next garbage pal kid haha.

Was WAX blockchain the first place you minted on ?

Well I put stuff up on Opensea under polygon. Which Mobius helped me find wax. Which I just fell in love with. Its so much simpler.

And how you finding WAX blockchain

I enjoy it. I think it does have some flaws as in collections are placed with games but other then that. I usually use my phone or my pad. But I do love what some people do with art! Dont get me wrong there is some really awesome stuff out there.

When did you launch on here ?

Last/this month .

What was the first NFT you dropped ?

For wax Or Opeansea

For wax it was a Bart Simpsons I drew inside a lil munk with a modern art look. Duck blobs bought that right when I put it up.

For Opensea

How did the community's react ?

Opensea dead air nothing. But didn't really I guess try like I do for WAX . Its my goal one day to just do this for my life. Which I couldn't tell you more I love it.. hands down.

Are they 1 of 1s ?

How many NFTs have you released since?

A lot. Um maybe ?? around 109 or more

How often you dropping them?

Need to more often. But work/family/life get in the way at times. When I get free time now I do this. I don't want TV and I cant sit through movies with my leg problems… but my joy comes from drawing.

What's the idea behind your NFTs?

To be like the next baseball card, or magic. To be able to play them like your in school with your friends if we are headed towards gaming? Plus I love Horror. Growing up my grandpa introduced me to all kinds of monsters. So ever since I've love them. I still remember he told me we were going to watch the Addams family we did but it was the black and white TV series which was just dope as hell.

Ha ha ha . What has been your favourite to create?

Damn now that's a hard question each lil munk is drawn. So …. Hmm ?? i love my new one.. but that's suppose to be for a season 2 haha.

Oh nice . So how do you create your NFTs?

Usually sketchbook for my iPad . Then I usually try to time lapse things in.

What's programs do you use?

Sketchbook, Imgplay To make it a gif.

How long do they take to create?

Usually not long. But I do like to put some emotion into them. Haha ??.

Yep I'm that guy. Lol

One of my favourites ?

Have you done any collabs?

Nope not yet

Is there room in your project for it?

Haha maybe as the meal deal. ?? I'm dying .

Who would you love to work with on a NFT with?

Hmm ?? damn put me in a spot…

Of course?

Probably Kumas. Love his vibe of how he products his stuff. And the way he just markets. Think the game is amazing.

Who is your favourite artist?

That would be Bret. Love his comics I'm also a fan of street fighter. Also if music then Post Malone.

What has been the best part of doing your projects?

That my girl loves to draw now. She's always with me at times of drawing haha.

What's been the hardest part?

Keep everything balanced meaning family equal times, doing stuff around the house like repair, then working.

Do you collect NFTs ?

Yes I have some looking to buy some more at times if the funds are right for me. But using what I have to set up this series pretty much.

What's the biggest collection you hold at the moment ?

Not many but I have 2 cover issue 1 of Bret then some Kumas, looking at buying some more 8bits.

Nice . What you like to do to unwind when your not working?

Like to play games with my kids or play with my 2 dogs.

Tell us something random about you?

I was born on a Friday the 13th. Also play as a scare actor at a haunted house attraction called Slaughter land in Binghamton New York .

Where can we keep up with your project?

Twitter the best place .

Where Can we buy your NFTs?

When the next drop planned for?

Going to be trying for Wednesday

Any sneak peaks?

Not yet.

Any chance of a competition for the readers?

Hmm well the Jason is going to be released in a pack so I guess you could hustle and get him so you have the chance of blending him.

Lets go 40 NFTs

Oh wow that's no problem so before we finish up is there anything you would like to add or say?

I think that I love the wax community. And the friends you make a long the way is pretty cool. I love how welcoming of a space it really is.

Wax community is amazing and glad you are a part of it?

Thanks ??

Its been a pleasure.

Yes it been awesome thanks for interviewing me!

So guess please check out this artists work and give him a follow drop I am giving 10 NFTs so the first 10 comments will get a NFT oe enter are competition on Twitter below .