Meet the artist behind Rubi NFT

I meet this artist through playing SPLINTERLANDS when I was looking for clan and little did I know he was an artist but saying that he has his fingers in a lot of pies but with his up coming PFP dropping very soon it was the perfect time to get him in to chat .

What's up bro?

Hey hey ??

How you doing today?

I'm doing good just trying to get some bills paid and stuff. How about you?

I am good just chilling out will you be working on the project today?

Yea I'm constantly going back and forth on what traits I wanna keep and changing things . Trying to commit and believe in myself because I'm very critical of my work.

That's a good thing so what brought you into crypto?

I got into crypto pretty early on around 2012 when all anyone knew about bitcoin was the silk road , everyone who I mentioned crypto to thought I was crazy. Unfortunately I lost mostly all of my crypto from back then . Then in 2016-2017 when it was getting more accessible I helped a lot of people get their first BTC / Tokens.

What made you get into NFTs?

I was big into gaming and I always loved Pokemon and cute little creatures , In 2018 I was moving tokens around and saw a Cryptokitties ad and thought they were adorable. Unfortunately from a financial perspective they weren't the best option and after I saw how much gas it was costing me to sire my kitties I left NFTs on the back burner for way too long. I didn't see the bigger picture that NFTs would become until I found WAX Blockchain.

And how did you come across wax?

I used to go to a few Philly crypto meetups which were a pretty cool underground scene . I met a bunch of people like Charles Hoskinson Cryptofinally and BOSAK before crypto was really cool . And I heard about WAX there.

Ah when did you decide to start creating?

I watched from the side-lines for a while while I was getting more into making abstract art and eventually in January 2021 I started to dive in and mint some things for fun. I got pretty hooked on NFTs and loved watching the innovation and growth .

What was the first NFT you created?

The first NFT I created was called Physx Fold. It was a digitally edited version of one of my favourite physical paintings I have done "medicinal eye zed" . My first collector said this is amazing abstract art , no one on WAX is doing this it looks like something from Ethereum . Because at the time most WAX NFTs we're more cartoony collectibles like garbage pail kids etc.

Looking back it was actually march in 2021 , I made my account in Jan but i didn't get the confidence to mint until 3/30/2021

How did the community react to your NFT?

It was well received for the few that I reached out to. But honestly I always had trouble promoting my work.

This is the first drop when I started to figure out the whitelisting process and all that

How many have you dropped since?

I've done Around 80 templates (2000+ NFTs) on $WAX, I have also done NFTs on Tezos , BNB , ETH .

So you have an upcoming PFP tell us a bit about that?

Yeah I do , it's called Quasi-Man , Quasi-Man is the story an oddball that aspires to greatness but often struggles with mental health and social insecurities. I rediscovered QUASi-man going through my old sketchbooks and felt really connected to the character. The first 18 Quasi Man NFTs we're all 1/1 non generative and people seemed to really like them . So I decided to take the art pull apart the layers and added more traits and work on a generative release. I've been working on writing some of the story of Quasi-Man which I can share a portion of here .

There was a meteoroid that struck Theosia . Society drifted into chaos, famine and violence. It led to a war with the theosians and caused a genocide on the QUAS. 2 years later QUASi Man is the last of his people in a Quasi verse plagued by disease hated and taxes.

To be continued...

Do you have the original sketch of him?

Yes here it is

I can see the similarity's . So how many will be created?

There will be a max supply of 1111 and of those, 111 will have special abilities that allow you to stake for certain WAX tokens!

Will there be rarity's?

Yes great question there will be rarity scores based on all the traits in the metadata.

What rarity's are these?

I haven't fully defined the rarities yet so these are all mixed . Working on that today actually!

How did you create them?

I create them on my tablet with Photoshop and illustrator but I don't have an apple pencil that works, so the traits are all literally hand drawn with my finger. ?? They are generated using The tools from the new WAX marketplace chainchamps.

Oo good question . I tried to make them all with traits that I was excited about but I really like the cloud and the bloodrain background and for the mind traits the crystalized and BrainiaQ. The doctor Q and super Q is probably my favourite outfits.

This is the clouds background and crystalized mind

This is the bloodrain

That's the doctor Q

That's the super Q

How much will the cost to buy?

20$usd in wax and anyone with an OG Quasi-Man from my personal collection rubioriginal gets one airdropped to their wallet!

Are the originals still available to buy?

They are all sold out but you can buy one on secondary market for pretty cheap still ??

Have you collab with anyone?

As Quasi man , not yet but I'm talking with Dogefellas and a few other artists and the tokens LEEF, BJ.

Who would be your dream collab?

I would love to Collab with senor lupe

Do you a favourite wax NFT artist?

Not a favourite but I do like what Kuma is making also Bret Blackberg and of course Senor Lupe

What been the best bit of doing your project?

Seeing it come together has me so excited honestly. I struggled with the formatting layers and resizing and all that but it's all worth it when I look at all the over 100,000+ random outcomes possible.

What has been the hardest part?

Probably managing my time while trying to do all the things myself. between marketing , drawing , writing , the technical side of things. It's allot of hats for one person to wear but it's worth it when i show someone the art and they really enjoy it. ????

What your family think of your project?

They are very supportive but sometimes I feel a bit of inferiority complex because my sister and mom are both awesome artists and my sister is also a great writer. However that's the great thing about art is the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we are all different.

Of course are you working on anything else in crypto at the moment?

Yeah I'm the product manager for QGLOBE which is a p2e game launchpad and the project development manager for which is a BTC mining / NFT project

I am guessing neither are on the WAX blockchain?

Unfortunately not however QGLOBE is a multichain product so possibly in the future (I'm pushing for it)!

So there is hope . What you like to do to unwind?

Play disc golf if the weather is nice or play music

Tell us something random about you?

I used to be a professional Chocolatier

Mmmm where is the best place to keep up to date with your project?

My telegram

Or my Twitter are the best can we buy your NFTs? or on the pinned links from my Twitter.

When the next drop?

I'm hoping to have the Quasi-Man mint date on August 15th !

Any chance of a competition for the readers?

Yeah I can do one with you for sure one of the Quasi-Man

Oh brilliant so before we finish up is there anything else you say or add?

Thanks for asking me to do this it was allot of fun

Must get you on the show as well?

Absolutely I would be happy to??

Stay tuned to see when he will pop in for a chat on the