Maximizing Long-Form Content Via Threads

Short-Form Content Is A Tool For Long-Form Publishers

There seems to be a pretty strong shift of late towards microblogging, otherwise known as short-form content. In fact, some actually consider an article below 1200 words to be short-form content, so let’s perhaps stick with the term, microblogging. Your classic  might consider microblogging something entirely different and perhaps is even engaged in for entirely different reasons… and to some extent, they would be correct.

However, that does not necessarily imply exclusion or separation. A superior approach would be to marry the two. A content creator doesn’t have to choose between producing long-form content and micro-blogging. In actual fact, a blogger can adopt microblogging without having to come up with additional content. Traditional bloggers can leverage an avenue such as  to gain additional exposure.

It has often been suggested that long-form content creators should make use of Threads, so as to expand their audience and gain greater traction. However, I would like to suggest an extension of this idea. Sure, bloggers can share links to their articles on Threads, but there is also an alternative approach that makes use of the already existing long-form content. Whenever I create an article, there are often numerous points of key 

It’s a great idea to extract certain highlights and points of data and publish them as short-form content. For example, interesting data and statistics can be published as short bursts of content. This does not remove attention from the main creation, but if anything, can actually attract further attention to it. By utilizing this strategy, creators are gaining extra mileage from their creations.

It’s Not Necessarily A Case Of One Or The Other

Coincidentally, creators are now also active in both realms, while simply directing their attention towards the creation of long-form content. It’s a simple dynamic of more bang for your buck! Maximizing your reach should always be an objective, and a platform such as Threads creates the perfect opportunity. Every time a long-form author publishes an article they can simultaneously drop a few short-form “bombs” highlighting the key aspects of their article.

The beauty of this is that ideas, opinions, and data can exist in isolation. Essentially, a long-form article simply expounds upon one, or a few key points, ideas, or perspectives. Oftentimes, such bursts can be highly informative, and even trigger further investigation by the reader. Personally, I find threads that provide intel and data to be the most valuable. Making use of Threads in such a manner also works to educate and enhance your audience.

Ultimately, this works in favor of the entire user base, as opposed to a list of subscribers, or others who may happen to stumble upon a long-form creation. If you exclude an already existing subs list from the equation, a single publication on Threads is likely to have more eyes on it. This is something that already established writers should consider. It’s a tool to further leverage long-form creations without much further effort.

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Final Thoughts

WEB3, by design, provides users with multiple avenues of income generation and monetization methods. Even if you are primarily a blogger, choosing to maximize the results of your work is paramount. It’s this very reason why I believe every single long-form creator on Hive should be leveraging Threads to enhance the performance of their creations, while simultaneously bringing about growth and adoption in relation to the platform.

Choosing to embrace all that WEB3 has to offer, especially within the Hive ecosystem is a no-brainer. Additional exposure and income are two of the most sought-after aspects of content creators. I have definitely experienced an increase in activity on Threads, and believe that the Hive community is slowly beginning to acknowledge and embrace this dynamic. Multiplication begets multiplication… remember that. Catch you next time!

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This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto

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