Matic/Polygon 1st Decentralized Exchange Offering (IDO) Launchpad - Apply for the Launch Whitelist - MoonEdge

While many are seeking the next coin to do a moonshot or 100x, some have discovered a lucrative way to earn in the crypto space. This is done by investing in initial decentralized exchange offerings (IDO). What was previously known as an initial coin offering has been reinvented to what is now known as an IDO.  Initial Dex offerings usually occur a short while before the actual coins are listed on an exchange - in many instances only a few hours before. They are becoming increasingly popular with large oversubscription. However, participation is highly rewarding for those who are successful. 

MoonEdge is the first decentralized IDO launchpad on the MATIC/Polygon Network. Once launched it will be the go-to launchpad on Polygon for many new projects in the future. Being in a position to obtain tokens early will likely bring satisfying rewards. The first step in participating is to join the whitelist which opened today (13 January, 20121). To join the whitelist follow the link and complete the easy steps.

Generally, IDOs are considered by the community as a fair way to launch a project and to establish initial instant liquidity on a decentralized exchange (DEX). These projects avoid pre-mines or high percentages of the profits favoring founders.

MoonEdge promises to be a platform with a high volume of quality projects onboarding the Polygon ecosystem. 

If you are interested in acquiring some Moonedge tokens then apply now for the whitelist



Participating on launchpads requires that community members hold a certain amount of the platform tokens - these requirements are known as tiers. Moonedge has 5 tiers. 4 can be viewed below.

Not Financial Advice

This brief notification does not constitute financial advice or a recommendation to buy in any way. Always do your own research before investing in any project as 100%  can result in some instances.


Apply for the Whitelist