Making My Home Office Green

Besides online hustling and crypto activities, I also have other hobbies and one of those is growing plants. After a long dark winter, it's finally spring and time to make my apartment a bit greener!

I'm growing plants on my window sill while there is an option to move them onto my balcony later on when it gets warmer. However, this ended up in disaster last summer when seagulls destroyed most of my precious plants while I was at work - my girlfriend managed to save just one.

Gladly my windows are facing in a good direction and whatever I'm growing will get a lot of sun during spring and summer time.

So What I'm Growing?

That's actually a good question. A few weeks ago I bought this yellow fruit almost the size of an American football and forgot to check the name of it. It's a strange habit of mine to buy and try food I know nothing about.

Nevertheless, after some googling and asking about it on #threads, I think it was this one:

It is called Piel De Sapo and I think it's related to melons and cantaloupes. So, after I ate it, I planted a couple of its many seeds in small pots and covered the pot with plastic foil. I then made small holes in the foil to get some air in creating nice, moist surroundings for the seeds to start slowly growing.

Only the growing process was not slow at all! Within a couple of days, they already began pushing through the foil so I had to remove that and let them grow freely. Jump forward a week and a half and they are quite tall already reaching for the sunlight.

I'm currently looking for new pots and my plan is to move them to their own pots as this one is quickly becoming too small - I really wasn't expecting them to grow this fast. One other thing I'm wondering about is whether I should cut the tops at some point to prevent them from growing so tall...

I also planted the seeds of small green pepper I'd guess are either Poblano Peppers or Jalapeno Peppers. Probably the latter ones. Here is a picture of the one not-very healthy-looking pepper still left from the batch.

I did the same thing with these as I did with the melon fruit seed, planted the seeds about 1 cm deep in the soil, and covered the pot with a punctuated plastic foil. The moisture is now nicely condensating on the top of the foil.

They've been under there for a day and a half now getting lots of sunlight since the weather has been really awesome for the past few weeks. It's always a great feeling to see something green through that foil - to know that I have done something right! So waiting for that to happen in the coming days.

Interesting to see how it goes this time around. I'm also planning on planting an avocado seed since I succeeded in growing one before. Unfortunately, it didn't survive the winter but I might do things differently this time.

I'm also open to all tips & tricks so feel free to comment, it would be highly appreciated! And if have some suggestions about plants that are relatively easy to grow indoors, then let me know.

These days I work at home and as said, my mission is to make my surroundings greener. I could always buy beautiful house plants but I don't know, I kinda fixated on growing them from scratch. There's something about the process... the feeling you get when you know you have helped to make a plant successfully grow.

Thank you for reading!

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