Make Big Gains | Pay Attention, You'll Thank Me Later

I wrote one of my short articles the other day about meme coins. My purpose was to get the point across to my readers that meme coins actually serve a purpose. Wealth Distribution. I'm not telling people to invest heavily into these types of projects, but rather have fun and perhaps make some decent profits. 

Then about 5 days ago I came across a real gem.

A token that if you can get your hands on it, could provide you with some HUGE profits! The problem is, you need to act now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not in another month, but RIGHT NOW!!

Why? Because this is going to explode and you need to be ready to capture these profits!

Now before I tell you what this token is, ( You may already know about it and hopefully moved on it ) but if not, you need to listen to what I have to say.

Brand names and well-known iconic figures being tokenized are nothing new to this industry. I recently wrote about YOOSHI, although spelled with two O's, the token is an obvious knock-off of YOSHI the Dinosaur, from a very popular video game. That token has done extremely well, especially for the amount of time it has been in the markets.

YOOSHI still has plenty of potential to offer its holders and I expect it will continue to do very well for the next few weeks. That said, when an iconic figure like Yooshi hits the markets, it explodes for holders. Yooshi though was born by the owner of Hotbit and was birthed directly onto Hotbit's exchange. It didn't have time to build outside of an exchange.

This is normally a good thing because most long-time holders dump as soon as it gets listed. Not having a way to sell a token they bought, when it finally gets listed they cash out. Happens pretty frequently in crypto. Luckily, things have changed and now we have swaps that anyone can access without moving coins to an exchange.

(Disclaimer) I am NOT a Financial Advisor. Everything you read in this article was and is meant for entertainment purposes only and should not be misconstrued as financial advice. You should always consult a financial advisor before investing in any investment opportunity and conduct your own due diligence in respect to how you evaluate risks and losses. Always do your own research into any project mentioned in my articles and invest at your own risk.

Back to the subject. Talking about brand names and iconic figures, you might recognize this one...

Baby do dodo do do..Baby do dodo do do...

I have children, as I'm sure many of my readers do too. You have probably sung the tune yourself and if you're like me, you've probably heard it 2000x a day for the last 2 or 3 years. Baby Shark is everywhere. Toys, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, games and yes... A TOKEN!!

The reasons you need to think about investing in this meme token goes beyond just profits but rather the reason for the creation of Baby Shark.

Helping to fund organizations that work at cleaning our Oceans. A very important endeavor indeed and deserving of your attention. I am aware of only two tokens in the "meme token world" that are working to help our oceans. Aqua Goat and Baby Shark. (Feel free to enlighten me if I missed any others.) The significant difference between the two tokens? Obviously, everyone recognizes Baby Shark and that's exactly why I'm writing this today. 

When you see a NO SWIMMING - SHARKS SIGHTED sign on a beach, you're wary and cautious about going in the water. While I will never say "Jump All In" on any investment opportunity, I do believe taking a good dip in the Baby Shark-infested waters would be very profitable. My reasoning is simple. We are talking about the MOST ICONIC MULTI-GENERATIONAL SONG AND SYMBOL OF THE LAST 20 YEARS!

The song Baby Shark was uploaded on November 26th, 2015. From that date, Baby Shark garnered around 5.5 billion views by January 2020! It was and is the most viewed and played video phenomenon of all time and continues to attract new viewers and fans on a daily basis.

Why Invest in Baby Shark?

I don't know, are you breathing? Have a pulse? What did I just say? THE MOST ICONIC MULTI-GENERATIONAL SONG AND SYMBOL OF THE LAST 20 YEARS? You're really going to ask Why?

Logic would dictate if something is obtainable at a low price and that item also happens to be one of the most well-known items of all time, owning it, short-term or long-term, could prove to be extremely profitable. Especially since the token hasn't even landed on an exchange! Very few people are even aware of it. I mentioned it in a few social gatherings over the last few days, nobody heard of it. These are people like me, who are deeply into crypto and work in crypto and breath in crypto. That should give you some incentive. Need more?

Since its conception, of May 19th, 2021, Baby Shark hasn't had much exposure to buyers. In the graph below you can see the very slow appearance it made and then as it progressed into June, you can see adoption picked up quite a lot. The only problem is, your time to act is getting slim.

As soon as this article is published, you can bet that the price will jump another 100% or more. That isn't my intention but this is what will happen. My posts have that ability and in many cases, they can seem purposeful attempts at pumping a coin. Unlike Elon Musk though, I don't have any agenda to affect the price. I just know that close to 10,000 people will read this article in the next 2 or 3 days and if you hesitate, the price will be even higher. Again, I will never tell anyone to jump all-in into a project, but this once...just this once, I'm telling you to take the dive off the dock of caution and get those toes wet. ASAP!

Let's Talk about the Tokenomics and Facts behind Baby Shark

Baby Shark is a deflationary token, designed to provide a DEFI approach to holding it in your wallet. The token actually pays you to hodl it. SHARK is a BSC token that intends to help clean the ocean and help the planet via smart chain contract fundraising. While they are not the first to do this, they are the first well-known iconic figure to do it and that's one more reason to think about investing. Need more?

Another reason? Really?

The project has been fully audited.

It has formed a great partnership with Gili Shark Conservation, a very well-to-do project of its own in the real world that provides education and works to help Shark conservation. Shark Identification, Baited Remote Underwater Video Surveying, Turtle Identification, Coral conservation, and much more. They host Scientists, Marine Biologists, and anyone who wishes to help in their endeavors. 

Transparency is also a key feature of this project. They are very active on all social media accounts and have been actively engaging their community and fans on all platforms in a very professional and creative fashion. I took note of this several times while I looked into their Telegram and media outlets.

You can visit these links to get to know their community and how they are treating their community. 


As I said, they are actively engaging their community and pursuing their obligations. Something very few meme coins seem capable of actually following through with, their obligations to their community. Baby Shark has a good feel to it, all the signs are there for a great project, meme coin or not. It is rare when you find a meme coin with such an active team behind the works. I have seen literally hundreds of new meme coins come out in the last few weeks, and only a handful are still active and following the white papers they produced. Baby Shark is one of them.

My Review Summary

No Promises. Just Baby Shark.

I will never, never ever, ever tell you that a token or project will make you rich. I don't and I can't make promises on gains. All I can tell you is that this investment opportunity won't last another week or two before the price could start hitting ATHs again, which will make it costly for average investors to grab big enough bags to make massive enough profits.

I look at all projects with the same microscope. I dig around their social outlets, research the project's website, feeds, videos, articles, and anything related to the project for red flags or green lights. All I managed to find out about Baby Shark has been great, with ZERO red flags or issues. Honestly, this has to be one of the best run meme token projects I have ever researched. Seriously.

Baby Shark is just that, a Baby in this space. Not even a month old yet and not listed anywhere besides Pancake Swap. That said, a good indicator of a project's value is if you can swap a token back on Pancake. I was able to trade Baby Shark for BSC BNB if that tells you anything? Obviously, if this coin was deemed junk, you wouldn't be able to swap it back for other tokens on Pancake. 

If you are looking for a great opportunity, I would highly suggest DYOR (Doing Your Own Research) into Baby Shark and see if you can find any issues with this token and the project's teams.

I found that Baby Shark has MASSIVE potential for more growth and value. I believe you will see a huge amount of adoption and more people talking about this token in the media very soon. The majority of media recognition towards the Baby Shark Token has been lackluster at best. This is why I am telling people not to wait very long before grabbing some of this token. As popularity progresses and media outlets start pushing Baby Shark and it lands on an exchange, time will then be your biggest enemy.

Baby Shark has all the right keys in all the right doors. It just needs to step into the light and open those doors. I expect to see this project do very well in the next few days, and perhaps bring 10,000% gains to those who are patient enough. I wouldn't let this pass me by without spending some money on it and it doesn't take much to grab a good fistful at the current price. 

With the popularity of Baby Shark and the enormous amount of fans behind it, this project surely has a future and will no doubt go up in price. It's really up to you if you take the dive or not, I just think once you do the research, you'll be swimming with Baby Shark too. 

I wouldn't ignore this one. Just saying....