Lucretzia's Treasure and How To Recover A Wallet From Seeds On The Elrond Network

There are many reasons why you would want to restore a wallet from the seed words. Maybe you want to move from a Maiar wallet to a web wallet for instance, or vice versa.

Or as many have noticed, Luctretzia is right now orchestrating a massive, cross-project NFT giveaway. Those who follow her twitter account are being lead through a narrative maze as she trapes along, finding friends along the way from various NFT projects on Elrond. For each new character she comes across she has been adding them to her treasure chest and releasing clues in cooperation with the Natural Born Degenz. Following both of these accounts will slowly reveal riddles for each of the seed words that are the keys to this ever growing treasure chest full of Elrond NFT goodies for the first person who can decode them all and restore the wallet.

You can see the current contents of her treasure chest here: erd1t5n9nk4nvy2lc9xfwxv4uu9d82e226kdel4z9knur5rpht7exw5qlqrznr.

Just pop it into an nft explorer such as created by the Elrond Ducks

She has already added a map by EncompassGeo, an piece by eGoldElves, and an Elrond Duck, and I hear there are also some big additions yet to come. Anyone who figures out the seed words will be able to take posession of, all of it.

Some of the clues are riddles, some of them are encoded drops left all around the Elrond NFT space. The Degenz are on the lookout for some of them and if you can bring them to the discord first they will give you some of their worthless $NGMI token. So far only the most degen seem to be taking them up on their offer.

The contest is set to run up to Christmas Day and one lucky, observant person is about to have a very nice Christmas indeed.

Or... maybe you just lost access to your wallet and would like to know how to restore it. You can restore a wallet in either the Elrond Web Wallet or the Maiar Wallet. An address originated from either app can be restored into either app, all you need is the 24 seed words (that you dutifully wrote down on paper and stored in a secure location and absolutely nowhere else and absolutely will never share with anyone for any reason whatsoever, of course)

Restoring a wallet

Whatever the reason, Everyone will have to do this from time to time. It's even good practice to do this right away when you get a new wallet just to make sure you wrote down the words correctly.

For this tutorial I have made a new wallet and was provided the following seed words:

Normally I would write these words down, on paper or other physical medium, and never share them or keep them in a vulnerable location. These words are precious and can open up your wallet, from anywhere at any time. One of the most common vectors for attack on you precious tokens is from trying to trick you into providing these words. Never give these words to anybody (and I mean not a single person), ever, for any reason, and I am about to show you why.

To restore or recover a wallet from the seed words, navigate to the login page and click on Recover wallet

Clicking on Recover wallet will lead you to this page where you can type in all of your seed words,

Starting each word will begin an auto-complete where you can choose it from a list. This prevents the ambiguity of a misspelled word.

As you type them in they will appear with their numbers. Notice you can delete one at any time by clicking on the x, and it will shift all of the others down. You can even click and drag on one to place it in a different location in the list. When you are done, press Continue

If you were successful you will now be prompted to create a new password. The web wallet requires a keystore file and a password to log in. The keystore file is an encrypted copy of your keys so be mindful where you store this if you use the web wallet. Preferably the file will be stored in an offline device and your password will be because anyone who finds this file AND cracks your password could also gain access that way. The Maiar wallet is more secure because it does not have this vulnerability with the keystore file, and it uses your device's security instead of a password.

Either of these can still be compromised if someone comes into posession of your seed words. These are your last line of defense so keep them protected, secret, and safe.

If you made a mistake with your seed words, you will be shows a red Invalid mneumonic error message and you are free to try new words or move these around to try again.

Want to try this out for yourself? Feel free to use the seed words provided here and practice using this wallet if you want. Maybe even leave a little NFT or fun token as a present for the next person who comes along.

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Don't have a Maiar wallet? Download one here and start your Elrond journey! Use my referral code if you want: txs89adg0p to get $10 in free $EGLD.

0x0x Pippi ??

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pippiwestwood eMoon: SaoirseNS@passinginterest