Love eternal love | Love for dogs

Love for dogs

A piece of meat, and they come running;

I love my pup and yours too;

Dogs are our eternal friends;

I love Bulldogs and even the ones with no amends;

Dogs love us with a love so sincere;

Even when we don't have much to share;

I always put his food in the bowl;

He eats it all and cuddles during the TV scroll;

My dog joins me on the evening walk;

I remind him of baths, a detail he tends to balk;

During our nightly stroll, he shows me the way;

I care for my dog with love every day;

The loyalty of dogs, even in a little pup;

The owner and his pup, a beautiful setup;

May luck follow these two, avoiding any hiccup;

But remember, the pup needs someone to play;

Let him have fun, then put him to lay;

If he got hurt while walking, poor little guy;

Give him milk slowly, don't let him cry;

He's my friend and companion so dear;

A love beyond what money can steer;

An enthusiastic dog loves his owner all day;

He'll lick you from January to January;

But it will be a love strong, honest, and true!