LoK - [GHUB] BurgerLand dividends update - Day 11

For transparancy regarding Burgerland Crypto Dividends, regular updates about DAI total and RSS total will be given here.


Only 2 more Kingdoms for 2 full BurgerLands, welcome Black_Echo!

So strong

update day 10

The stats after day 11: 

It seems GGian didn't lie about spending some crystals, BurgerLand 1 on a devpoint craze! With an astonishing 2937 devpoint increase in one day, the total comes down to 54635 - 75.9% to level 6! BurgerLand 2 always doing surprisingly well with 1797 devpoint increase to the pretty round number of 37000 - 88.1% to level 5 (41997 dev points needed). This is a nice boost for the overall value of BurgerLand, of which you can be assured percentages will flow back to the Kingdoms! 

Daily DAI div is 0,6279, which is on the low side. We shouldn't be displeased however, as it is totally dependable on what the collective of gamers spend in LoK - volatility can be high. Seeing us move up the levels of the land, we are making sure that if spending is big, we will get our cut. 

You are all appreciated,

Much love,

BurgerLand out. 

- Don't be shy to contact me on discord or ingame about the [GHUB]Gamers Hub Alliance or Burgerland - [GHUB]BurgerBaron -