Lifeline Token Grave Coming

Lifeline Token

Lifeline token ($LLT) needs a lifeline… actually what it really needs is a plot of land, a shovel, and a small stone that says "Rest in Peace. Why? Because this project is a scam! 

$LLT was launched as a reflect token like Safemoon where there was an added "tax" on transactions. A portion of the tax would go to $LLT holders, a portion would go to marketing, and a portion was supposed to go towards Children's Cancer Hospitals like Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. The premise was that users would get a passive income and donate to charity at the same time. The problem is that $LLT is a rug pull and a cancer on the crypto community!

It's hard to know exactly what happened. All of the social media sites for $LLT are down and the original Telegram group is missing. What is clear is that $LLT is dead and the community believes they were rug-pulled! It's time for RugZombie to come and cut this cancerous coin out. Let's bury it!

RugZombie's Lifeline

Lifeline holders need a lifeline out of this rug pull and Zombies are here to save the day! Here's how.

  1. Buy some $ZMBE tokens on Pancake swap, Apeswap,or AutoShark. 
  2. Put at least 1 $LLT token into the Grave and stake $ZMBE.
  3. At the end of 7 days your Lifeline will come back as an undead zombie! Instead of a worthless cryptocurrency it will be an undead NFT. This NFT is a common NFT.

This Grave is coming November 2021. Zombie on!