Let's Look At The Blockchain Jobs Of The Future ...


Let's Look At The Blockchain Jobs Of The Future ...


     One of the new technologies emerging in the new world order is blockchain. Blockchain technology has begun to appear in all areas of life. There is a good career opportunity for people knowledgeable and talented in this field. It is a good choice to be in the digital world and to turn to professions that can contribute to the development of technology.

     Firms in many industries bring the need for qualified personnel who understand blockchain technology to gain commercial advantage in blockchain.

     Blockchain technology has been used by many governments because of its huge cost reduction potential. In Estonia, blockchain technology is used for more fair and efficient operation of government agencies. The European Union has also started to take steps for the digital Euro.

     Important professions for blockchain technology;

Blockchain Designer

     Design is an indispensable element for all sectors. Blockchain, which has become widespread in the industry, has been adopted not only by informatics, but also by companies that want to increase their efficiency and reduce costs. The differentiating point here is design. The user interface and design of blockchain solutions have become even more important. Blockchain designers are thinking about how to design a reassuring and user-friendly experience. Being an expert in Sketch, PS and Figma programs will be a sought after feature.

Blockchain Developer

     There is a need for blockchain developers with the expertise to help them develop blockchain platforms. It is this profession that requires effective use of many programming languages. Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio, .NET, MVC, AJAX, SQL,MYSQL, C, C ++, C #, Javascript, JQuery, Node.js, REST, XML, XSLT, XCOD, Regression , Agile Scrum … most of them should have known.

Blockchain Project Manager

     The blockchain project manager is responsible for building a bridge between blockchain professionals and managers. The manager involved in an organization that will develop the blockchain solution should be aware of the current versions of blockchain technology. A project manager working in any industry should have the expertise, as well as the technical knowledge of blockchain technology.

Blockchain Legal Advisor

     While project owners are dealing with the consequences of new technologies, different legal problems and situations arise. Legal experts will be needed on what they should consider when they launch their technologies. These experts should know the structure of blockchain technology and the national and international legal system.

Blockchain Specialist

     In companies using blockchain technologies, blockchain engineers responsible for implementing will need to constantly review the technology needs of the companies they work for. Blockchain engineer; A high level of expertise is required in Hyperledger Fabric, Ripple, Solidity, Ethereum,Python, bitcoin, Oracle Identity and access management solutions.

Blockchain Quality Specialist

     It should be an engineer responsible for all quality areas of blockchain technology. Quality engineers responsible for all quality areas in the development environment, including automation tests, manual tests, and dashboards, will be involved in the planning and completion of complex blockchain projects.


There are thousands of business opportunities with blockchain technology on Angel.co, crypto.jobs, cryptojobslist.com.


Startups, companies, technology companies and governments want to take advantage of the innovations provided by blockchain technology. 

Blockchain, which was on the LinkedIn list in 2019 and rose to the top in 2020, actually shows how much the technology has developed. Many companies, for example; Crypto money projects, companies such as Samsung, IBM, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon are looking for people with experience in blockchain technology.  As I always said, listen to everyone, decide for yourself ...

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Photo by fauxels from Pexels