Let's go shopping crypto - my picks - part 2

hi guys

this is the second part of my post, and I see there are still battles at the Bitcoin support, so, we are not sure of the trend is steady or it's going deeper.

We'll see only if BTC is below 30 k again.

But even if this is happening, you should know there is a future for BTC. Remember the price few months ago. We didn't pass above 10 k and now ... More than that, in march, last year, we've seen an 3650 $ limit, and even now we are almost 10x than that price.

Anyway, for an experimented trader, the money is made also on bear market, but for the rest of the people, the best option is keeping the portfolio (if the projects are good - I will still remind this with every occasion).

Photo by Myicahel Tamburini from Pexels

Let's continue with my picks for the next crypto bullish market.

This is a summary of what I will present today:

  1. AutoFarm (AUTO)

  2. Oraichain (ORAI)

  3. Venus Protocol (XVS)

  4. AIOZ Network (AIOZ)

  5. Router Protocol (ROUTE)


    1. AutoFarm (AUTO) is a competitor for Harvest Farming (FARM), AAVE, Compound or any other Yield Farming protocol. It is based on BINANCE Smart Chain, so the fees are very low and the attractiveness is related to it's Market Cap vs Total Value Locked ratio = 0.018.


I will look for this kind of Yield Farmers with a very low ratio vs TVL because it will bring me future rewards in a high manner.


More info here - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/auto/

With an actual Market Cap of 17 million, is a future gem for the next upper trend


2. Oraichain (ORAI) - the Oracle with Artificial Intelligence steroids! This project should be a star in the next future, because of it's goals that are starting to materialize: DeFi app, NFT side or AI Marketplace.

The next development milestones will bring this project in the attention of the blockchain world, so I will have a part of my bag here.

The Market Cap now is under 12 million, so we have a lot of space to go up when the moment will come.

More info on this link - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/oraichain-token/

3. Venus Protocol (XVS) -


is a Binance and Swipe backed DeFi protocol, with a spectacular growing from near 3$ until 160$ in the last days, but now it is under 30$, an incredible price two weeks ago.


The market cap is much higher than AUTO - 266 million, and the Market Cap vs Total Value Locked is 0.1275, but this could become also a good bet for the next market raise.

Start your research from here - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/venus/

4. AIOZ Network (AIOZ) - a new actor in decentralized media - with a (partial) competitor in THETA Project (THETA) or Odysee.com (LBRY).



The goals are to become a decentralized media content provider, such video streaming, live content, NFT, etc


The market cap is 19 million now, but you should be aware there is a Max supply of 1 billion tokens, more will appear as a reward for node keepers (just download the app from their website and start running it).

You can see more here - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/aioz-network/

5. Router Protocol (ROUTE) - the next gen DeFi on Ethereum! This is a Layer 2 protocol that will allow very low fees on Ethereum Blockchain. This will increase the DeFi transactions and will bring more value for this project.


The next big step should be in autumn, so we will wait and see what is happening. In the meantime, try to gather more. It's time for shopping.



The Market Cap is now almost 22 million, not any token is released yet, but if you do your research, you'll see the price is nice even if we calculate the Fully Diluted MarketCap (132 million).


More info here - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/router-protocol/


And that was the part 2 of this hidden gems. I presented you as a study material, maybe you'll choose something for your portfolio, but after a deeper research, of course.

Until the next meeting - cheers and learn! This is the best tool for being healthier in any ways of meaning.


Lead photo by pexels-karolina-grabowskakra