Learn about the Poly Penthouse Project LLC and why you should be paying attention!

Every day dozens of projects are created in the NFT space. Some have utility, some are just small one-person projects with no real goal other than to hopefully make a sale from a great photo. If you are looking to invest in a project it can be hard to nail down that one special project that shines above the rest.

I'd like to introduce you to Poly the Parrot and the Poly Penthouse Project LLC, a project that mixes NFTs, AI, the Metaverse, Blockchain tokens, and VR to provide an immersive experience like no other. Welcome to the world of Poly the Parrot and the Poly Penthouse Project! Get ready to embark on an adventure filled with vibrant colors, exciting opportunities,  endless possibilities, and breathtaking views.

Let's start with a little backstory. Once upon a time, in a tropical forest filled with lush greenery and colorful creatures, there lived a mischievous parrot named Poly. Poly was no ordinary parrot; she possessed a remarkable gift of speech and an insatiable curiosity. Her wings shimmered with feathers of emerald and sapphire, reflecting her adventurous spirit.

One fateful day, as Poly soared through the sky, her keen eyes caught sight of a mysterious shimmering portal tucked away amidst the dense foliage. Intrigued, she fluttered closer to investigate. As she drew near, the portal crackled with energy, beckoning her forward. With a playful squawk, Poly mustered all her courage and crossed the threshold.

Little did she know that this portal would lead her to the birthplace of one of the most exciting NFT/Crypto projects in existence - The Poly Penthouse Project (P3).

The P3 project was born from a strong love for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital art. What began as an interest in the future of AI quickly blossomed into the one-of-a-kind housing market and token (PPN) that it is today.

But what sets P3 apart from other NFT/Crypto projects? Well, for starters, PPNs aren't just beautiful to look at; they also offer many means for future growth and utility. Not only do Penthouses allow you to gain rewards and perks from the start but their interiors will also be both customizable and able to be explored in-game (VR) in the future.

And if that's not enough excitement for you, P3 also offers The Transport Collection - even furthering the ways to enjoy your investment long-term in the way of racing, traveling, and exploration of far-off lands. Imagine soaring through the skies on the back of a dragon or racing through a neon-lit cityscape in your very own hovercar. The possibilities are endless!

P3 investors can also look forward to longevity - something that is often missing in most NFT/Crypto projects. The Poly Penthouse Project was largely formed from the ashes of what came before, in hopes for a better future not only for P3 but for the entire Crypto market.

With so many projects out there offering huge claims upfront with little to no backend payoff, how can P3 investors be sure that this project is any different? Well, for one, P3 is backed by a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to ensuring the success and longevity of the project. They have a clear vision for the future of P3 and are constantly working to improve and innovate.

But perhaps the most exciting aspect of P3 is the community that surrounds it. P3 has brought together a diverse group of individuals who share a passion for creativity, innovation, and adventure. The P3 community is a vibrant and supportive one, filled with like-minded individuals who are eager to collaborate and share their ideas.

Price History & Future

Direct link to purchase PPN

At its initial launch, PPN was valued at 2 Matic per 100k tokens. On 04/04, PPN moved up to 5 Matic per 100k tokens. On 04/26, PPN saw its most recent increase to 10 Matic per 100k tokens, where it remains at this time. Plans are in place for PPN to see an increase from 10 Matic per 100k tokens to 20 Matic per 100k tokens in the future.

It's important to note that while it's great to get in early at low prices, an increase in said prices is not only necessary for the long-term success of the token but also ensures the long-term success of the project as a whole as well as a worthwhile return on investment.

The PPN value history and future is an important aspect to consider when investing in the Poly Penthouse Project. The increase in value over time shows that the project is gaining traction and popularity among investors. The planned increase from 10 Matic per 100k tokens to 20 Matic per 100k tokens in the future indicates that the project has a clear vision for growth and expansion.

Investing in PPNs at this stage could be a smart move for those looking to get in early and reap the benefits of long-term growth potential. However, it's important to do your own research and make informed decisions based on your personal investment goals and risk tolerance.

The PPN value history and future is a promising sign for the Poly Penthouse Project, indicating that it has a strong foundation for success and growth in the NFT/Crypto space.

Poly Penthouse - In-Game

While PPN will be eligible to trade for other cryptocurrencies beginning at full launch in September, it will also prove useful in-game for a multitude of ventures.

This means that owning a Poly Penthouse NFT not only gives you ownership of a virtual penthouse within the Poly Penthouse Project but also provides access to various in-game features and benefits from the rewards you'll receive in PPN. These features and benefits can enhance your overall gaming experience and give you an edge over other players who do not own a Penthouse, Private Island, or other P3 development land.

The in-game use for PPN is an exciting part of the Poly Penthouse Project that adds value to owning these unique tokens. It's important to consider this aspect when making investment decisions and determining whether owning a penthouse is the right move for you.

In-game PPN is just one of the many benefits of owning these tokens. As the Poly Penthouse Project continues to grow and expand, there may be even more opportunities for PPN holders to access exclusive features and benefits within the game.

The fact that PPN will be eligible to trade for other cryptocurrencies beginning at full launch in September means that they have potential value beyond just their in-game use. This makes them an attractive investment opportunity for those looking to get involved in the NFT/Crypto space.

The in-game use for PPN is a unique aspect of this project that sets it apart from other NFT projects. It provides an additional layer of value and utility to owning these tokens, making them a potentially lucrative investment opportunity for those who believe in the long-term success of the Poly Penthouse Project.

qPPN Token

qPPN stands for Quantum PolyPen Token and it is a unique cryptocurrency that will be available for use in-game within the Poly Penthouse Project. It has a total volume of 100 quintillion and can be earned daily through Penthouse resource holding.

While qPPN will be tradable for PPN which is eligible to trade for other cryptocurrencies beginning at full launch in September, its primary purpose is to provide access to various in-game features and benefits. These features include gas for traveling in/racing vehicles, the ability to play mini-games, and much more.

Overall, qPPN is an exciting aspect of the Poly Penthouse Project that adds value to owning these unique tokens. It provides an additional layer of utility and functionality within the game, making it a potentially lucrative investment opportunity for those who believe in the long-term success of the project.


View Penthouses

Penthouses are a major part of what makes the Poly Penthouse Project successful. Investors receive an NFT of a stylized penthouse, as well as holder earnings and in-game resources. Penthouses can also be used for resource holding, which allows investors to earn qPPN (Quantum PolyPen Token) on a daily basis. Additionally, penthouses can be customized and upgraded with various features and amenities.

Penthouse provides access to various benefits within the game, including earning rewards and customizing your virtual living space.

There are three types of penthouses: Urban holders, OG Ultra holders, and Legendary holders.

Urban holders earn 0.01%

OG Ultra holders earn 0.1%

Legendary holders earn 1%  

The total supply of penthouses is broken down as follows:

Legendary - 33, OG Ultra - 333, Urban (Game Fi) - 3,333.

Owning a penthouse within the Poly Penthouse Project has the potential to generate significant earnings for investors. However, it's important to keep in mind that these earnings are not guaranteed and may vary depending on various factors within the game.

Interiors introduce more customization and interaction options for holders of penthouse NFTs.

Initial interiors will eventually evolve into panoramic rooms that can be explored, painted, and decorated in-game. Interiors will be airdropped to all penthouse owners in the near future.

Interiors within the Poly Penthouse Project provide an opportunity for investors to customize and personalize their virtual living space within the game. Additional features and functionality will be added to Interiors in the future as the game evolves.

Climate Modules

Mint Climate Control Modules

Climate Modules allow holders to re-use the resources earned from their penthouse. This process is randomized giving everyone a fair chance to acquire blue-chip Poly penthouse resources.

Climate Modules can be stacked to maximize investment potential and acquire PPN at a lower price point. Currently, PPN is gained at 2,500 PPN per 24 hours per Climate Module. The reward level is subject to fluctuation based on the total volume of sales across P3. Higher total volume equals higher total rewards for PPN/Climate Module staking.

Climate Modules are an important part of the Poly Penthouse Project as they provide an opportunity for investors to acquire blue-chip resources and earn rewards through staking. Additional benefits and functionality to personalize your penthouse with the use of a climate module will be added to Climate Modules in the future as the game evolves.

Land Plots and Private Islands

View P3 Land Development Lands & Islands

Land Plots and Private Islands are an important feature within the Poly Penthouse Project that allow penthouse owners to own a section of undeveloped land that can be broken down into six individual plots. Each plot can hold one penthouse, creating a neighborhood of six houses per land NFT. To fully utilize a Land NFT, one must possess a Realtor License, a penthouse, and said Land NFT. These elements combined will allow for the formation of an HOA and the establishment of rules, regulations, and fees for each neighborhood.

Land Plots provide an opportunity for penthouse owners to expand their virtual real estate holdings within the game and potentially earn additional income through the formation of an HOA. They are an important part of the Poly Penthouse Project ecosystem and may have additional benefits and functionality added in the future as the game evolves.

Realtor Licenses

View Realtor Licenses

Realtor Licenses are an almost crucial feature within the Poly Penthouse Project that allows players to establish HOAs, facilitate the relocation of penthouses to other neighborhoods (upon voter approval), and form a Board of Approval (initial 100 licenses sold) for future realtors/business license approval. Each license allows for the development of up to six neighborhoods, and 100 licenses will be sold initially, with the capability for future investors to apply for a license on a case-to-case approval basis.

To fully utilize a Land NFT, one must possess a Realtor License, a penthouse, and said Land NFT. These elements combined will allow for the formation of an HOA and the establishment of rules, regulations, and fees for each neighborhood. Realtor Licenses are an important part of the Poly Penthouse Project ecosystem as they provide an opportunity for players to expand their virtual real estate holdings within the game and potentially earn additional income through the formation of an HOA. They will have additional benefits and functionality added in the future.

Transport Collection

View Transport Collection

The Transport Collection is a significant feature within the Poly Penthouse Project that allows players to travel between penthouses, neighborhoods, and even planets. Certain modes of transportation, such as race cars and dirt bikes, can be utilized during in-game races. The Transport Collection offers further ways to enjoy your investment long-term in the way of racing, traveling, and exploration of far-off lands.

The Transport Collection is an important part of the Poly Penthouse Project ecosystem because it provides an opportunity for players to explore the virtual world and interact with other players. It also adds an element of excitement to the game through in-game races and exploration. The Transport Collection will also have additional benefits and functionality added in the future as the game continues to evolve.

So what are you waiting for? Join Poly on her adventure through the world of P3 and discover all that this exciting NFT/Crypto project has to offer. There's something for everyone in the world of the Poly Penthouse Project.

To learn more about the Poly Penthouse project, check out the links below. I hope to see you at the next auction!


Discord: polypenthouse


Opensea: poly-penthouses

Direct link to purchase PPN