KuCoin Is Over in the United States

On July 15th KUCOIN announced that accounts will need to be verified in order to continue using most of the account functions. 

Sounds like a good thing, right? 

Not so simple. 

Besides for the most basic concept of not forcing your clientele into anything, which they clearly have no regard for, they also made it impossible to verify your account if you’re from the United States. 

That leaves you stuck. You can’t use most of the functions of the platform and you can’t even verify in order to be able to be eligible to use them. 

While there may be something to verification, you can’t require it and not allow your clients access. But if you’re KuCoin I guess you can…? 

This to me personally feels ungrateful and extremely disrespectful, I have been a loyal customer and this is literally spitting me in the face. 

I do understand the legal complications of being registered in the United States, so if they don’t want to no problem, but then keep it for the US based customers as it was before July 15th, don’t revoke all maneuverability and leave us with our hands tied behind our back. 

Currently the only transaction we’re allowed to do is sell and withdraw. 

Though I have used KuCoin for quite some time and really enjoyed their benefits, it seems like the end of the road for me and I will likely be forced to move to another platform. 

If you have any recommendations of other high yielding alternative platforms with lending or staking please advise in the comments, thank you.