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Hi, let's take a closer look at a rapidly growing niche sector within the crypto ecosystem:


In this article, we focus on other article writing crypto projects, and tell you why PublishOx rocks!

What the hell is wrong with Facebook?

EVERYTHING! The social media platform founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, grew into one of the most popular and widely used social networking websites globally. The company has faced various controversies related to privacy issues, data security, and the spread of misinformation, which has led to increased scrutiny and changes in its policies. Its earn model is built on the back of its users, who are misled by constantly changing privacy settings, whose data is sold to the highest bidder, and who do not earn a single penny from a model, which made its founder one of the wealthiest men on this planet. Facebook symbolizes one important injustice: “If the product is free, you are the product.”

What is SocialFi?

SocialFi combines the principles of social media and decentralized finance (DeFi), offering a Web3 approach to creating, managing, and owning social media platforms and associated content in a decentralized manner. Content creators, influencers, and participants are central to SocialFi, seeking greater control over their data, freedom of speech, and the ability to monetize their social media presence using cryptocurrencies.

Monetization typically involves cryptocurrencies and identity management and digital ownership is facilitated through nonfungible tokens (NFTs). SocialFi platforms operate as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), reducing the risk of centralized censorship decisions. Advances in blockchain technology have enabled SocialFi infrastructure to handle the necessary throughputs for social media interactions.

Therefore, the industry is attempting to address the shortcomings evident in platforms like Facebook.

Article Writing and Blockchain.

A long list of projects promises content creators who spend hours on creating interesting articles rewards. Quite often your work is not rewarded at all! Before joining a content writing platform, you need to verify, and in several instances, this is the earn model: your data. In case you do find a decent project, the journey is still hard, and not all writers can earn an extra income.

A comprehensive list of article writing platforms: READ.CASH is a platform that allows users to earn money in Bitcoin Cash (BCH) by posting articles and comments. Unlike many other crypto social sites, rewards posts based on perceived quality rather than popularity. Additionally, users can attract sponsors by building a large following and creating high-quality content on the platform.

LeoFinance: LeoFinance operates as a project within the Hive ecosystem, a blockchain specifically designed for Web3. I failed up to two times to make an account due to an error.


Steemit is a blockchain-powered social media platform where users can create and curate content, earning cryptocurrency rewards in the form of STEEM. As one of the earliest decentralized applications on the Steem blockchain, it utilizes a unique consensus algorithm to reward users for their contributions, fostering a decentralized and incentivized approach to content creation and community engagement.

Den.Social: Den.Social is a social media platform constructed on the Dragonchain (DRGN) blockchain. Den.Social has three types of crypto tokens: NRG, used for upvoting and creating posts, with a replenishing hourly supply; MTR, obtained through community tasks, supporting the community, and can temporarily boost NRG flow-rate, having market value; and LOR, utilized for voting on new Lairs and other voting options.

Vocal Media: Vocal Media enables writers to earn BAT (Basic Attention Token) cryptocurrency for their content. BAT is a token designed to compensate users for their attention and engagement with content, with writers earning more BAT as their articles receive increased engagement.

PublishOx: Writers have the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency for their articles, and readers can also accumulate cryptocurrency by reading and engaging with the content. The cryptocurrency earnings for writers are determined by the level of engagement their articles receive from readers. PublishOx is the first and still only platform I'm contributing to, but I do intend to expand my article writing exposure by testing the other platforms I just researched. But that's for the future!

PublishOx is still my number 1, and always will be!