Kill me or the bloody bots in splinterlands please with actifit report on May9 2023

This is my daily web3 gaming progress update.

By the way, if you know any good or decent even web3 games just let me know I am looking for new ones all the time.

This is a time when I consider using bots for my main account again. I know that the proposal to kick out bots from Modern has passed, and I am very glad about it, but I am tired of fighting with bots over and over again. What is worst I see that my silver bot is better than me as well.

It was not the best focus, I got 2 cards out of 4 boxes but the number

I have started running out of seed already. This is not a good sign as the season just started and I will not be able to do anything for the past few days at the end.

A good side is that I have finished my ingot and I am ready to sell it.

Other than getting 2 student debt, swiftly converted into Economist and homeless I have nothing else to do now.

The other city is waiting for a new Casino but again I have my bid on it and I need to wait.

Rising Star A very slow climb to level 100 continues. I am getting a proper amount of StarBits but getting level is a long process.

Stardom So I need another 2k of Stardom to allow me to but a 100 fan rare person card so I can run the last mission. I think this will happen tomorrow.

Golem Overlord I see the split between my two secondary cities. The farming one is getting more during the claims but most of it is being burned while I reinvest it into the scraping goles. I have staked a few parts which will increase my claim pool, but the problem with me pile stocking more PARTs is that I will be attacked more often.

Terracore I have started putting more SCRAPs into a Favour. For now, I divide all my income into 3 piles, a diesel pool, favour and another account so I can save for some stats to upgrade.

Games I am looking at:

This is my list of potential new games to take part in, some are still in development some do not work for me:

  • Wresting Organisation Online - still in development

I am also a Hive Witness, please consider voting for me as well as

Hive Engine Witness _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](


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