KardiaChain to Amplify Social Media Benefits by Partnering With Blockster

The revolution of social media platforms has enabled people to be connected in seconds. These platforms are all the more useful when one wants to know about crypto news and updates. Keeping these pointers in mind, KardiaChain is partnering with Blockster to keep crypto enthusiasts aware of its moves and strategies. Blockster has so far shown laudable performance in catering cryptos for mass adoption. 

Out of many, Twitter happens to be the trending platform for crypto users. They use this platform to discuss the market and share insights. However, a platform completely dedicated to crypto has always been on the minds of developers. 

The answer for a completely dedicated platform for crypto was brought by Blockster. It will come up with a fully devoted platform with BXR utility tokens that will guarantee a transparent medium for crypto news, opinion forums, credible stories, and effective media exposures for all. They want to maximize the reach of cryptocurrency and encourage dealing. 

Blockster will embark on a fruitful journey with KardiaChain as it is quite popular on the local, as well as on the global front. The coin also holds a huge reputation due to mass adoption and is highly ranked in the coinmarketcap. The recent news related to KardiaChain has created a stir in the market. KardiaChain is reportedly entering the GameFi and NFTs market in the future. All this information has drawn huge attention to the coin, especially of DeFi. 

As per reports, the collaboration has already started and KardiaChain has granted access to Blockster. The crypto authors, exchange links, consultants, KOLs, marketing specialists, and others have already gained permission. 

Blockster has created a giant market. Some of the popular names slated to join are Hackernoon, Harmony, Bitmedia, Chainlink, and Syscoin. 

The collaboration is likely to usher in growth for both Blockster and KardiaChain. They both are expanding platforms, headed in the right direction. With this collaboration, they would both get opportunities to explore and earn.