Justin Sun: The Saga Countinues

As you all know Justin Sun is getting out of Tron and leaving the blockchain more decentralized and to the community. After this announcement he already make more waves worldwide.

What is Justin Sun up to now?

Justin Sun announced that he is going to space, he paid millions for his seat and will be going in a rocket from Jeff Bezos company. Just another day for billionaires right?

The funny part about this is that Justin Sun continues to make announcements about announcements, he said that he was going to space and after a couple of days said that he was only going at the end of 2022.

The controversial man from Tron continues to do excentric stuff and can't leave behind his marketing strategies.

There's no doubt that Tron was paying for his sins and a lot of the hate that went to Justin Sun also went to Tron blockchain, maybe now Tron can have some peace and good development by the community.

The question is, will Justin Sun pump Tron to the moon by doing this trip to space?

Well, you never know, even if he is gone from Tron his actions may impact Tron since he is the founder. Let us sit and wait to see the show.

Best Regards,
