justin bieber buys another bored ape nft, pays $470k worth of eth

The Canadian superstar Justin Bieber is on a buying spree, and it appears that his appetite for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is on the rise.

  • Justin Bieber, arguably one of the most famous people on the planet, is an NFT aficionado.
  • His choice of preference – perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly – continues to be the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection.
  • Last week, we reported that he bought ape #3001 for a whopping 500 ETH, worth $1.3 million at the time.
  • Now, the celebrity purchased ape #3850 for 166 ETH, currently worth around $470K.
  • This is what ape #3850 looks like:
Source: OpenSea


  • The ape hasn’t been sold before on OPENSEA – it was only transferred between different accounts.
  • The rarest traits in the NFT are the Bandana Blue hat (0.89% rarity) and the Grin Diamond mount (0.78% rarity).
  • Apart from that, it has pink fur, purple background, puffy vest as clothing, and bored eyes.
  • At the time of this writing, the NFTs from the Bored Ape Yacht Club have a floor price of 99.3 ETH.

Featured image courtesy of Rolling Stone