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     HTX has reached a settlement with the hacker who stole 5k Ethereum worth $8 million from the platform on September 24.

Hacker Returns Assets 

     On October 26, HUOBI GLOBAL offered the hacker a whitehat reward of 5% in return for the assets and gave the hacker a deadline of 7 days (the October 2 deadline). It seems that HTX had reached an agreement with the hackers, which is why the platform waited even after days of deadlines.

The Whitehat

     The hacker did not deduct his reward from the stolen money, but returned all the remaining assets. HTC itself has confirmed that the hacker is a white hat by rewarding him with 250 ETH. People are also making a lot of satire on this incident.

Notice The Low Fees

   Hacker returned 4998.8 ETH in two main transactions (3997.9 ETH and 1000.9 ETH). The fees were so low (13909 Gwei and 15007 Gwei, respectively). It is possible that Hascker is a former ETH miner (when ETH was PoW), because they know how to set such low fees.