Jan. 28th: Wonderland ponzi? MKR vote fires content team. Texas welcomes mining.

MakerDAO’s token holders voted to fire its entire communications department. This was by far the biggest “unsubscribe all” in DeFi.

While normies complain about Bitcoin’s use of electricity, the Governor of Texas is inviting crypto miners to the state to stabilize electricity production (by making it lucrative for power companies to sell more of it to miners). So if you’re a raped and now pregnant woman in Texas, good news: you can rig up your forced baby to an ASIC and make Texas proud.

The Subversive Metaverse ETF has holdings in major companies getting into the metaverse (Block, Alphabet, etc.) but is shorting Facebook/Meta. At this rate, the only one to join Zuck in his metaverse will be Tom of Myspace.

Warner Music Group will create music-themed land in The Sandbox. Upon entering, you’ll get your computer’s music tracks wiped and then automatically buy a tape, CD, and track of your music at full retail price. But you will get a POUP - Proof of Unnecessary Purchase. 

The founder of Wonderland (TIME) got outed as a co-founder of the QuadrigaCX exchange, determined to be a ponzi scheme by Canada’s authorities. With TIME’s price shedding 90% since ATH, bagholders wish it was a ponzi.

And that’s it for this dose of crypto noncense. If you liked it, please subscribe and tell your friends. More noncense soon.