(JaiChai) "... AAS and other Musings"

(^image by cryptoslate)

"… AAS and other musings"

SAAS - Software As A Service

BAAS - Blockchain As A Service

and now…

P2AAS (my term) - Polkadot Parachain As A Service

A company called Adoriasoft has created an SDK that promises to give on-demand Cross-Chain functionality to any entity operating on Cosmos.

(image by agencyspotter)

Why is this important?

*It enables Cosmos chain projects to become Polkadot Parachain candidates - a much coveted label for market action.

*Just like Kusama, it can expand Polkadot's scalability by effectively "adding" Cosmos cross-chain capability.

*Potentially joins rivals in the interoperability competition (Polkadot and Cosmos.

(image by medium)

This puts a lot of pressure on others in that sector (i.e., Cardano, Elrond, Zilliqa, ETH2.0, etc.) to show-up with better, faster and cheaper tech.

If Adoriasoft's SDK works as advertised, it will definitely be a game changer in the "Quest for Ultimate Interoperability".

(image by hubstaff)

Engage with (or sit back) and watch the show, folks.

By JaiChai


(^images by Author)


JaiChai 2-20-2021. Simultaneous multi-ste submissions posted. All rights reserved.