It's Time to Shift Your DAO From Proposal Voting to Retroactive Funding

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Andrey Sergeenkov

Cryptocurrency researcher

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Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have emerged as a promising model for decentralized decision-making, governance, and resource allocation. However, many DAOs still rely on traditional proposal voting systems, which often are not inadequate for fostering innovation and ensuring the efficient use of resources. 

The time has come for DAOs to shift their focus towards more effective funding models, such as retroactive funding, to better support their objectives and long-term sustainability.

Retroactive funding is a model that rewards projects based on their demonstrated value and success, rather than merely on persuasive proposals. This approach can significantly outperform traditional proposal voting systems, as it incentivizes results-driven projects, ensures efficient resource allocation, and fosters a more cooperative and supportive environment among contributors. By adopting retroactive funding, DAOs can overcome many of the challenges associated with traditional funding models and create a more sustainable and effective ecosystem.

Background and Problems with Traditional Proposal Voting Systems

One of the main issues with traditional proposal voting systems in DAOs is their susceptibility to corruption. Influential member projects can manipulate the voting process, resulting in an unfair distribution of resources. This can lead to a loss of trust among community members and hinder the overall growth of the DAO.

Proposal voting systems often involve long review periods, during which community members and administrators evaluate and discuss potential projects. This process can be time-consuming and inefficient, delaying the development of valuable projects. 

Traditional proposal voting systems have also given rise to the misuse of grants and the draining of treasuries within DAOs. Grant seekers and influencers may take advantage of the system to secure funding for their projects without fulfilling their obligations or delivering meaningful value. This not only depletes the DAO's treasury but also undermines the organization's objectives and reputation.

Grant misuse and abuse pose a significant challenge to the DAO ecosystem. The prevalence of these issues can erode trust among community members and deter potential contributors from participating in DAOs. 

Reasons Why DAOs Need to Embrace Retroactive Funding

1. Encourages results-driven projects

Retroactive funding rewards projects based on their demonstrated value and success. This incentivizes contributors to focus on delivering meaningful results. This approach promotes a results-driven culture within DAOs, where projects will be judged based on their impact rather than the persuasiveness of their proposals.

2. Ensures efficient resource allocation

By funding projects based on their results, DAOs can allocate resources more efficiently. This will reduce the risk of wasting funds on projects that fail to deliver and ensures that the DAO's resources are directed towards projects with the greater potential for impact.

3. Increases accountability

With retroactive funding, contributors must demonstrate their ability to deliver results before receiving funds. This creates a higher level of accountability, encouraging contributors to remain committed to their projects and ensuring that the DAO's resources are used effectively.

4. Builds trust within the community

By funding projects based on their demonstrated value, retroactive funding can help restore trust in the allocation process. Community members can be reassured that their resources are being used effectively and that the DAO is genuinely focused on supporting impactful projects.

5. Attracts genuine contributors

Retroactive funding can deter contributors who are primarily focused on securing grants, attracting those who are genuinely dedicated to providing value and furthering the DAO's objectives. This can result in a more engaged and motivated community of contributors, driving the DAO's success.

6. Enhances transparency

Retroactive funding makes it easier for the community to assess the impact and value of funded projects. By basing funding decisions on clear, measurable results, retroactive funding promotes greater transparency in the decision-making process and ensures that the community remains informed and engaged.

7. Inspires continuous improvement

Retroactive funding encourages contributors to continually refine and improve their projects, knowing that their performance will be evaluated and rewarded based on actual results. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where projects are consistently optimized for maximum impact.


Embracing retroactive funding is crucial for DAOs that want to ensure their future success and sustainability. By adopting this funding model, DAOs can not only overcome the issues associated with traditional proposal voting systems but also create a more engaged, accountable, and motivated community of contributors.

This, in turn, can drive the development of impactful projects and contribute to the long-term growth and stability of the organization. As the decentralized ecosystem continues to evolve, DAOs that adopt retroactive funding will be better positioned to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, ultimately outperforming their competitors and establishing themselves as leaders in the space.

by Andrey Sergeenkov @Sergeenkov.Cryptocurrency researcher
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