Is the moon haunted?! What is UNSAFEMOON and how to get it!


Looking through the world of meme Coins it's always a blessing to find a gem like this! 


What is Unsafemoon? 

UNSAFEMOON is a community-driven hyperdeflationary token. New RFI-inspired token listing DEX with Pancakeswap as its liquidity provider; automated smell tests and anti-rug hardening tools; cool surprises coming for diamond hands who don't sell. 

Hmm ok and what makes it special? 

99.9% of supply got burned, the LP tokens for the initial liquidity got burned as well and the ownership renounced! All can be verified with the published transaction hashes on the website of the project. 

Is it "just" a meme or do they have a plan? 

The community behind Unsafemoon is working on generating a multitude of use cases for the coin, like the above mentioned RFI generator, this means if you have an idea for a token you'd like to launch yourself, but if you don't know anything about coding, you'll be able to access our user friendly platform and choose from a variety of options you would like for your coin. Next to known deflatory tokens with a redistribution function of 5% to holders and 5% to the  liquidity pool Unsafe moon also has a Burn wallet that eats tokens like a black whole, meaning the burn rate increases with each transaction, deflating the token supply even more. 

Does the token have a Roadmap? 

Yes the roadmap can be found on the website some highlights include next to the implementation of the Use case above, the listing on exchanges as well as the creation of their own DEX for deflatory tokens for this year! 


How can I get Unsafemoon? 

Unsafemoon is traded on pancakeswap, a detailed tutorial can be found here: 

Is there more? 

You can join the Telegram group to stay up to date for the latest updates on developments. The team has also multiple giveaways running! they can be found on the official twitter page. 

and the meme competition: 


Why did I decide to get into Unsafemoon? 

Seeing a completely community driven meme coin with a solid plan for future use cases seems to be a real unicorn in these times!  



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