Is it Aliens or is the Data getting faster?

I cannot speak to the choices of the rest of the planet, what I can speak to is the choices left after observation of what I see. Long years of study and countless experiments. Is it a simulation? Aliens? God?  I mean, we could start from here and go all the way backwards. We could start here and trace the money all the way backwards to the richest person on the globe's responsibility for multiple homicides. So many ways to determine who is actually running the physical word change vs who is actually creating word change. If you look to the WWW: Wild Wild West, what you come to notice is that everything is pure speculation. Outside of everyone participating in keeping this planet turning to the likes of what humans have come accustom to, money appears to be the current reigning ruler. Better spoken currency. You divide the currency up and the most sovereign financial leader is BTC.

Guess I should slow down and organize my thoughts a bit simpler.

Say if every creature on this planet was subject to the rule of one of the dead faces on currency, by all standards BTC would be a sovereign Haven. BTC would be the leader in acceptance and understanding of all, while initially providing an open door to all. Not to mention the most transparent leader of the currency wars, but also the only leader to accept all faiths, nationalities, and cultures.

I ask a simple question. Why would countries that keep wanting to regulate BTC jump on the bandwagon and over it as forms of payment? I mean, maybe I am not the best with this English language, or any spoken language for that matter, but even in my silence I can see that a lot of math within those financial control systems just completely stops adding up when they incorporate BTC. Yet, as all can see, even the big wigs themselves do not want to get left behind.

Considering we currently live in a metaverse, the big wigs are helping create simply by ensuring that all of their followers begin updating with the correct terms. It could also be something as simple as me being retarded and blind, but anyone reading this will probably guess that is not the case, as my HIGHERS ELF refused to allow this body to jump into that role. (Believe me, I tried. What a dream, to be an intelligent 'fuckboy' for life, but humanity, right?