Is firebusd the next drip?!?!  — 1460%apr!!!

Get started in FireBUSD here:

The Crypto market is a sea of red candles... everywhere except over in the Drip community and a few other select Nodes and Yield Farm projects.  Well, along comes another exciting project to add to the mix.  One with strong tokenomics built in the same structure of its peers.

This one is just getting started, so it is your chance to get in early if you feel like you missed those early days of Drip and/or just missed the presale of the Manor Farm and are now ready to ape into the Animal Farm on February 3rd.  FireBUSd is already showing strong legs and is up 24% in the past day alone!

This is another BSC project where you need BUSD in your wallet in order to interact with the contract.  Similar to Drip, once you stake your BUSD you cannot unstake it, but rather you live off of the rewards themselves.

In the images below you see where you select the amount of BUSD you approve.  And then you select how much of it you want to invest.  This is a two step process for securtity.  Then watch the newly minted FireBUSD grow at a HUGE 730% APR!

Next, you can calim your minted FireBUSD and stake it for an absolutely massive 1460% APR.  That is a WHOPPING 4% yield PER DAY!!  Unlike the Minted FireBUSD, you CAN unstake this FireBUSD after a 7 day lockup period and sell it.  You can choose to recompound and feed the machine or claim profits.  IN addition to the stakign rewards, the token itself is appreciating rapidly and these are early days with a lot of upside.  )of course, DYOR and there is risk, but this appears to be another ground breaking opportunity).

Please join using my referral link here.  If you join and then gather your own referrals there are airdrop opportunities for sharing the news.  Please spread the news and LIGHT The FIRE!