Is BNB miner legit ? I tried, and this is what happened

I've heard about BNB miner, a fully automated smart-contract that gives 3%/day at least.

And let be clear, it's a ponzi scheme. However, it can be very rewardful if you play it smart.

Is BNB miner legit ?

The short answer is yes, BNB miner is legit. However, a lot of clones are scams and you have to inspect the contract before investing.

How does BNB miner work ?

This is how BNB miner works : 

You hire some miner with your BNB. Those miners will work for you forever, bringing BNB everyday at a 3%/day rate (according to the current efficiency rate).

You have two choices with your earnings : 

- Withdraw them

- Hire more miners

The mining efficiency rate is a measure of how much profit you can make with each miner. Your earnings rise and fall as other players hire miners, or pocket BNB.

The end goal is to hire sooner and more often miners than other users. The first time I tried it, my biggest mistake was to forget this parameter. review is the oldest BNB miner on the market. The contract has been running for more than 6 months and everything is still ok. It hence seems to be legit.

I got into this 3 weeks ago, and I've already get back my deposit.

Why ? Because a lot of deposits were made after mine.

At this time,'s contract has a 5600 BNB balance, and it grows everyday.

However, even if I have no doubt you will get back your deposit in a month, I wouldn't advice you to get into this now, as you will be very late compared to some users.

It was my case, and it will be yours to. That's why I tried to find more recent BNB miners to be early and maximize my profit.

I actually found some of them, from the same dev team.

The Best alternatives (still early)

Dealing with that kind of degen stuff you have two goals : 

- Being early

- Avoiding scams

For the second point, I found clones projects, done by the same team, but there are plenty other :

BNB Miner (Tokenminer)

At this time, the contract had only 19 BNB, and it seems to be on the same path than the first BNBminer.

Miners are also cheaper to hire, and you will 3x your daily earning within a month, if you compound every day.

Given that it's an early project, your goal should be to compound (I will tell you how I deal with compounding).

>>> BNB Miner

Here are other clones of it (There is a glitch in the UI, and it will looks like the contract is empty, but it's not. Check the contract with the explorer to see the real balance)

>>> AVAX Miner

>>> ETH Miner

>>> FTM Miner

>>>KCS Miner

>>>MATIC Miner

>>> Harmony One Miner

Otherwise, you can now do the same with stablecoin. The contract value is less than 600k BUSD.

BUSD Minter is the first Contract miner for with stablecoin. You earn 3% daily on your deposit.

You can also do the same from the USDC Minter

How to play it safe ?

When I try this kind of things, I try to use crypto I got for free. I explained here several way to get free cryptos.

But for this, most of my deposit was made thanks to my Biswap earnings.

The compounding strategy I use

As you understood, this is very risky but it can also be very rewardful. Trying this, you will always be balanced between compounding to earn more, or to pocket.

What I do is pretty simple. I try to maintain a 2/3 ratio, where I pocket twice. I usually do this every 8 hours.