Invest For The Future

Hello everyone. I have been having trouble finding time to write these past couple of days. Some days can seem like you are so overwhelmed and it can be hard to find the time for the things you want to do.

I am a father of two wonderful boys and work a full-time job. This makes it almost impossible for me to find the time for the things I love to do like write and learn about new ways to earn Crypto and up and coming projects.

Even if I have only an hour left out of my night for myself I like to get on my laptop and use my normal sites and then go searching for the next best earning site.

I am r4eusing around 13 different sites, not including my blogging sites and a couple play to earn sites. This can be a lot to keep up with and can become time-consuming when you only have a little bit of time at night.

I have had to make a routine every night to make sure I can stay on top of the sites I use and earn the most and still have time to share the things I have learned about each site. It can be overwhelming at times but I am almost positive it will be worth it in the end.

When I saw the price of bitcoin go down to the $20,000 mark I was ecstatic. I know you think I must be crazy to be happy about the price dropping because I lost a bunch of money. I do not see it that way. I look at Crypto as a long-term investment so these price jumps are just part of the experience. You have not lost any money until you sell. If you hold tight and wait to see what the future holds, it will be worth it. At least this is what I keep telling myself.

I see these times are more time to earn and try to teach others how to earn Crypto and start stacking it up for the future. Who knows, we could not see another price jump for years but that is good news for beginners and small earners like myself.

Instead of looking at Crypto price falling as a loss look at it as an opportunity. Know that you still have time to earn and learn about Crypto to be able to be part of this new financial revolution. Crypto is a machine that is gearing up to take over the world. We are lucky enough to be alive while it happens right in front of our eyes.

Now that I got that off of my chest I want to go over a couple of the best sites and Apps I use and how I use them. These are sites/apps I have never shared before so sit back and get ready to learn about some of the best sites/apps I have come across so far.

Above is a video I made about the . It is a little loud at the beginning but it gets better as you watch. I had to make this during the day and sometimes it can get a little crazy around my house. I am trying to create while I have the time and sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

is one of a kind and is an amazing app to help you build up your Crypto portfolio. If you are already going to be spending money on something why not make a decent amount of Bitcoin from it. I hope everyone enjoys the video and it helps you understand why this App is one of the best earning Apps out there.

Ember Fund

Ember Fund is a great investing app but on top of that it is a Bitcoin Mining App. Let me explain. If you click a button once a day you can mine a small amount of Bitcoin just for using the App. The more people you invite and the more you invest the higher your mining goes. You can learn a lot from this App and you can feel comfortable and safe when investing.

I hope you enjoy this video and if you have any questions please leave a comment and I will do my best to answer them.

Next we have the . This is a retirement Bitcoin investing App. Invest in bitcoin & thousands of other assets without paying a dime in capital gains taxes. This App is something you are going to want to have for the future and to earn a little extra BTC every day.

I hope you enjoy the video and if you do please like and follow for more content and to help my page grow. I am still a small earner but I am hoping by spreading the word about new earning and investing platforms that I can start earning a nice amount one day. I believe that if you work hard and really want something and do everything to your best ability and work on making yourself better then anything is possible.

The Donut App is another one of a kind Apps I have come across. This is an investing App where you can earn 5% APY with DeFi powered savings. There is a lot to go over with this App so I hope you checked out my video and learned a little about it. It is a fairly new App but I have been able to withdraw and customer service is extremely nice and fast.

There are a lot of things happening in the future with the Donut App and I am excited to be a part of it. I hope you enjoyed this video and it showed you why I think the Donut App is one of the best platforms to save some money in for the future.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and it has helped you learn about a couple of new earning and investing platforms. I want to be able to show you sites to earn from but I also want to be able to show you places you can invest and earn a little for the future.

I am already working on my next article and videos so stay tuned. I have a lot more to share with people and I am so glad all of you have stuck around and watched my videos and read my content. I want the best for all of us and the future is bright if we can harness the power of earning and HODLing.

Check out my website for more earning ideas and oppurtunites.

I appreciate all of you for taking the time to read my article and have an amazing day!