Introduction Post

Hello. Good morning, everyone. It's 8:00 in the morning in Brazil. I'm BoelterMc and this is my introduction post. I'm a Skateboarder, rapper and web builder 3.0. I've been working with crypto since 2021. And since the beginning of the year I have become an expert in the blog hive. From this I started looking for other blogs to post and interact with the community, now I feel like I got it. I'm part of Carabela, a guild that acts as a DAO. In it we have professionals from Shapeshift, Odysse, Nym, ZCash, NFTRio, among others. I'm one of the only ones who's still working only with bounties. My goal is to get a steady job on chain. To start building my crypto portfolio. I have experience in: #nfts, #defi, #copywritter, #growth, #communitymanager, #contentcreation, #marketing, #eventos, #discord, #designer and I am new to #python. Well, here in addition to my work I will post some of my lifestyle and personal evolution. I hope you like it. And I'm available to work with you. Call me.
