Introducing VENICE SWAP — A One-Stop Experience Exchange and Swap

Several exceptional innovations continue to unfold in the cryptocurrency space with lots of objectives and qualities best complimentary to tackle problems affecting modern society, and most of these difficulties are getting solved more innovations added with innovative platforms like what VENICE SWAP is bringing into the crypto space. The astonishing hype of blockchain innovations has absolutely led to increased and special growth of the crypto market, enabling lots of companies, government, organizations and interested individuals or users to engage into any type of cryptocurrency trading with the principal aim of being a part of this revolutionary profitable trend that has taken over the world by storm. It is widely known that engaging in cryptocurrency investment involves adequate and experienced management, trading and investing with digital currencies, and this gave rise to cryptocurrency exchanges which has been serving as the dependable and with lots of credible open digital market infrastructure that gives room to easier access to trading and buying of digital assets with the enthusiasts location not been a problem to worry about.

Furthermore, all digital currency in existence today and those that will still going be introduced need to be traded by cryptocurrency enthusiasts in same way as fiat money is exchanged or traded as national currencies in traditional central banks. Also bearing at the back of ones mind that trading in a credible exchange with advantageous and up-to-date system is widely and strongly advocated for cryptocurrency users and investors. With this in mind i will be introducing you to a credible platform where which its team of experts have created a favorable solution to solve various problems faced in cryptocurrency exchange and investment ecosystem. Please read along as i let you on this revolutionary platform named the VENICE SWAP.


Venice Swap is developing a One-stop experience Crypto Exchange and Swap environment. Its credit system is already tokenized on a private LEDGER and it is a shared resource among all the products published in its platform. The goal is to adopt the VENICE token as its “internal fuel”, creating a public ledger blockchain-based Venice Swap platform. Venice Swap aims to intercept the needs of crypto users who like to have a one-stop trading experience, providing more and more new tools over time to satisfy their trading needs.

The VENICE SWAP Decentralized Exchange Web Application will enable its users to trade by swapping ETH and ERC-20 tokens in a decentralized manner where Venice Swap will not be able to store their information in their cloud centralized database. Users of the will be able to use the following wallet connectors on metamask, wallet Connect, COINBASE wallet, fortmatic and on portis. This revolutionary exchange liquidity will give users and liquidity providers granular control over what price ranges their capital is allocated to. Individual positions are aggregated together into a single pool, forming one combined curve for users to trade against isn’t this interesting. A Multiple Tiers FeeS where which liquidity provider can manage risks against price volatility. The platform also enables an active liquidity where liquidity will be composed soley of the asset with less value if the ETH price stays outside the range Automatica Market Maker or Liquidity Providers specified or until Automatica Market Maker or Liquidity Providers decide to upgrade their range to account for the price change. AMM / LP (Automatica Market Maker or Liquidity Providers). This revolutionary platform also provides Range Orders which is the opposite of the active liquidity feature, with flexible Fees. Delving more into gas costs which will be automatically calculated by the ETH network. This and many more are to be expected on this revolutionary platform.


A trading pairing module with incredible live price fetching, it is a platform that will also be providing a wallet Integration for top 20 cryptocurrency which will also include an Integration with top liquidity providers, and the platform will also provide an incorporation with a top KYC/AML provider, and a prospect of listing other coins launching IEO’s and including trading margin within the platform, trading on derivatives which will include futures and perpetual trading, they will also be adding out a credible referral programs with this incredible exchange available on the web and mobile applications which will include both IOS and Andriod and multi-language for users all over the world. These and many more features will be available on the venice swap platform.


Token name VENICE will be the token used on Venice Swap platform. This token will be based on the Ethereum blockchain and will be based the ERC20 token standard. For the definite implementation of the Venice Coin, Venice Swap has developed a smart contract that will be widely and publicly accessible on its GitHub before any phase of token sale will begin. They have developed a platform with no alterations to the contract so any interested party can have full and absolute confidence in the Venice Coin. VENICE will also be created prior to its Token Generation Event, which will also be capped, which explains the fact that they will not able to create any more in the nearest future, with no inflation is intended. Token supply will be fixed, with a platform where we can create an immediate deflationary currency that will be as valuable as our growing community in our revolutionary ecosystem. VENICE will be the utility token of the revolutionary Venice Swap Platform used in all transactions related to distributed credits. VENICE will also be the only way to use Venice Swap Platform.


January 5, 2022 — January 31, 2022

1 Venice = 0.0024ETH, 1st week: 20% discount bonus

1Venice = 0.0027ETH, from 2nd week: 10% discount bonus

1Venice = 0.003, Fixed ICO price from 3rd week

500 million VENICE tokens created

180 million directly sold to public.

Soft Cap 1.000.000 USD

Hard Cap 39.000.000 USD

Currency accepted ETH, ENK, AQU, GAM, SWEE, GFEE

Please visit this site for more information regarding token and token sale:

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