Into the Chainerverse - The Chainers NFT Game

After weeks of seeing this "next-gen NFT game" being pumped across various platforms via PTC ads, I decided it was time to give Chainers a try. I'm guessing that the name refers to blockchainers? Who knows! Let's go ahead and start exploring this corner of web3. Anyway, here's what we first see when we hit the homepage at

As you can expect, the team is pseudoanonymous here with Twitter (ahem, X) profile links listed for each developer/team member. They're a worldwide team. If you care to check out each one's X profile, you can. 

Enough of let's get to signing up for this one. In order to do so, you will need to link a Facebook, Google, or Twitter account. Hey, they may want to update that blue bird to a black X. I bet that's taken a lot of websites by surprise.

So, signing up is as simple as linking one of the three above accounts. Once you do that, you can claim your daily free NFT.

They appear to be all clothes and accessories for your Chainer. I put some clothes on my first one here. He kind of looks like a McDonald's employee. How fitting, being that the in-game currency here is FRI. I have 120 of them, apparently!

At this point, I have no idea what I'm actually suppose to do in this game other than dress this guy up. Perhaps it's the lack of sleep, perhaps moreso the lack of exploration. I will have to investigate this one further. Perhaps I should hit that "halp" button!

Having some $FRI appears to be important. I find it funny the different tokens they will take for it. Why $SHIB but not $SPOT???

It looks like there's a lot more you can do with their app. This story will be continued! Into the chainerverse we go!

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  • Final AutoClaim is another facuet-style site that offers payouts in 74 different coins
  • For an entertaining, off-the-wall faucet, check out Crypto Junkie. Great for accumulating SPACE and SHIB
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  • For rewards in XNO and BTC, check out TipNano app