InfinitySwap enters new collaboration with Inside Dark Studio

There has been a recent announcement of a strategic agreement between InfinitySwap and Inside Dark Studio. The agreement allows the studio to incorporate the Infinity Wallet within its ecosystem.

With the integration, the platforms will be aiming to develop a gaming studio.Also, the partnership will give Inside Dark Studio the tools it needs to look into tokenization and other related topics.

Inside Dark Studio is establishing a gaming studio for blockchain development. Initially, the objective was to create a World of Warcraft copy on the Internet Computer, but the plan quickly shifted. Inside Dark Studio now comprises two operational units, three projects, and six working professionals. One artist, one community manager, and two react developers comprise these specialists.

In its most recent blog post, InfinitySwap also discussed future intentions for the platforms. Their initial plan is to establish IDS with objectives including funding, community building, and sales launch. Next on the plan is the creation of the Reality of Madness Universe. With one central hub and five games, the ecosystem will provide a metaverse experience. The games will consist of:-

  • The Heroes Supremacy – MOBA
  • The Battle for Zhion – BR/FPS
  • The Search for Vetirent – Turn-based
  • Vetirent’s Magic Cards – Trading Card 
  • The Release of Madness – MMORPG

The firms will then proceed with the development of KernNetz SDK. It will be an open-source multiplayer server connecting to the blockchain. 

Next, the platforms will work on Project Code Alpha, beginning with a minimum viable product (MVP). The goal is to create a AAA Title that is entirely browser-compatible.

Given the past achievements of the IDS, its future is anticipated to be bright and full of opportunities.