In crypto I trust | How has Crypto and Blockchain Technology Impacted your Personal Finance


My first attempts into the space was through CPU mining and at that time I still able to mine Bitcoin at that point. I was using the computer from home, subscribing to cloud computing for 1 month or less (got me $300 coupon on Google, $200 coupon on Amazon) and some other ways to mine. I have soon succeeded to mine 1 Bitcoin when the price was of very low and to my sadness I have sold it for about $20. It was a fun experiment as it was in the beginning.

I have moved from Bitcoin to Monero which was the king of anonymity. I could use mine it with CPU using the same approach and got me over 5 tokens. I would end up selling them on the 2017 hype and that was somehow a good experience I had.


Next I upped my game and in summer of 2017 have built my own rig with 6x RX 480 GPU. I have started mining Ethereum and was doing 2-3 ETH a month. When the price boomed over $1,000 I was still holding to it in the hope it will move to $5,000 which never happened. I am still holding the ETH tokens that I've earned from that time. After the price went to drain I have stopped mining for 1-2 years even if I still have the rig and power it from time to time.

At the same time 2017 brought me Steem where I felt it was a great ecosystem and being rewarded through blogging felt better than mining or trading. I have built my wallet step by step and I was doing $20+ post rewards and felt like I was on a winning streak. I couldn't imagine it can decrease so much so I've kept on building my stake and powered up. I never powered down on that... only when I've moved this year to Hive and I've sold Steem either for Ethereum in the beginning of the year or converted it to Hive. This was a good move that I did along the way.


This year I also invested in new crypto like EOS, Stellar, RUNE, Chainlink. Unfortunately I've sold my Stellar and ChainLink before this bull run, but I still have EOS and RUNE which are doing pretty well. And let's not forget my greatest move for the year and that was joining the LEO Finance community. I got on it by a lucky mistake when I've used the #leofinance tag and afterwards I saw some #LEO tokens in my wallet. As they were holding a bit of value I've read more about it and soon realized it was a great community in line with my profession - business informatics.

I felt like home on LEO Finance and started to post regularly on it. Well established community members started to like my approach and ambition within the community and hopefully I've left a good impression and positive mark so far. I've layer my investment in LEO Finance through Mining, Delegation and Blogging. I wished I would get involve also on Uniswap but as I didn't have many liquid LEO I decided not to do it. Still I appreciate that approach and consider it the real market for LEO and the easiness to exchange to Ethereum is simply amazing. ETH and LEO are my favourite cryptos at the moment and being able to power one based on the other is quite great.


With the ups and downs along the way I think that the crypto helped me improve my financial situation and added some passive income (if we can call it like this) from my regular job. At the moment is not life changing but if the prices keep adding up it might make me bankless and be able not to depend of the banks anymore.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta