If I suddenly found $4,2 billion in my crypto account and it was mine to do with as I would like, I would have a lot of fun

If I suddenly found $4,2 billion in my crypto account and it was mine to do with as I would like, I would have a lot of fun. As $4,2 billion is more money than any one person can possibly conceive of, there is no risk of running out and worrying again.

I would start spending money the same as in the film Brewster's Millions. The first thing I would do is buy as much Hive Power as I could, this could cause the price of Hive to moon and we could all celebrate with Hive going up so much!

Next, I would accept proposals like the DHF fund from those building on Hive so we can expand and take on more users. I would offer them the required funding if the projects are good. This would then help to grow the ecosystem.

I would then start my own witness node. It would be called hodlwing. You would be able to connect to my node using your favorite Dapp.

Once that is all setup and running, it would be time to organise the next HiveFest which we could make into the biggest party of all time. I would make it a free event and it would need to be epic. I would have to call RolandP and tell him to quit his day job (if he has one) and to help organise.

Unlike Brewster wasting money on a political campaign, I would spend it making it the biggest HiveFest event ever. We would need music there, so I would ask if Steevc and TDC could do another gig and it could be live-streamed into the Hive Open Mic community.

The event wouldn't be complete unless we all had as much beetroot soup as we could ever eat, therefore I would give the Coldbeetrootsoup guys a call to make the biggest pot ever to feed the whole hive community. I would secretly bring a heater to heat it up when they weren't looking. Possibly we would need to start a beetroot farm to grow enough beetroot.

$4,2 billion is so much money, it is hard to even comprehend how much it is, but you could do a lot of good things with it. One thing for sure is that I would be very nervous about losing my keys! That would be a lot of crypto that could get lost.

Where would I store my keys even? Under my pillow? In my shoe? I am not sure even that a laser field would keep my keys safe as you can see here in Oceans Twelve:

How would you store your keys?

Thanks for reading

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I do not own the video copyrights. The video is linked to the respective copyright owner's channel.

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