IDENA: The Art of making Flips

Let me give you example:

          As you can see, with the words Service/Call it’s fairly easy to make a story. And you can actually see the progress of the story. You can sense it. Pipe’s broke so the hot lady is worried. She calls the plumber and plumber fixes it. People solve this in 3 seconds, without overthinking because it’s easy. That is the perfect flip - that’s the point.




           When you get words, you HAVE to reminisce on them. You have to contemplate. No rushing please! Take your time to carefully think of a story so good, and so easy that it makes you proud when done creating the flip. Here are some examples of good flips and most importantly, a good story line:


and another one:





           When your flip is done, the next step is to carefully shuffle it, so that it doesn’t make sense. One of the golden rules is never to leave the last picture in the last place – as it is always THE END of story. The smart thing is to move the last picture to some other place. See the examples:



         As you can see, the guy gets blinded at the end. So you need to move the fourth picture to a different place if you want to break the order.



          As you can see, the guy is happy on the last picture, which implicates that the flip has come to an end. So we need to put the last picture on the other place in order to break the sequence and make it illogical.




          There are some things which are forbidden however. You absolutely mustn’t use WORDS and NUMBERS in your flips. This makes it easy for the AI to solve, because it can figure out the sequence of numbers very easily. Please try to avoid that.

          Also, you must think bigger. This one is more of an advice than a strict rule. You shouldn’t use political events or history when forming a story. You see, this planet has billions of humans on it. Thousands of different cultures, thousands of different systems (some of it are democratic societies, some of it monarchies and so on…) so people tend to think differently than the others. Some are taught differently in school than you. Think of this when making a flip. For example – please avoid making flips about lets say: Chinese communist party 40 years ago. I’ve seen such flips in the past. This is just an example that there are different cultures out there and not all of them are familiar with political events of your country. Make flips universal. Something that can be solved by everyone around the Globe. 




             After reading all this you have passed the Idena flip making school. You got the picture. It is easy and incredibly fun to make flips. You can show your creativity to the entire Idena Network and even make some sweet money. Remember: HAVE FUN!


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