I would argue that what I would like to call "win more" cards is the biggest trap for new players in Gods Unchained, and most si

I would argue that what I would like to call "win more" cards is the biggest trap for new players in Gods Unchained, and most similar card games to be honest. And I will try and make my reasoning for this clear. That and explain what a "win more" card is. =)

What is a "win more" card

Well to be frank it is a card that simply does that. It allows you to win more. Or if we put it in another way, it will increase any advantage you already have. This is almost always done by hosting your board state in one way or another. But I will show you a few examples of cards that I would say are "win more" cards. And hopefully, it will allow you to then identify the type of card better than simply using my ad-hoc explanation of it. =)

As you can see by these two cards they are very good. The relic allows you to buff all your creatures with +1/+1 when you make an attack with it. And the spell will buff all war cards in your deck by increasing their hitpoints by +2. What however is key for these cards is they take time to have an effect. What I mean by that is the relic, you are not able to attack with it the turn you play it. So in order for it to have an effect on the board state you have to play it, then on the next turn either play a lot of creatures to the board or still have creatures on board from the turn you played the relic.

Playing a 5-mana card that does nothing when you play it, it is more or less like passing a turn. Hoping that your opponent will do nothing on their turn as well. And in a similar way is the war spell. Sure it draws you a card when you play it. But it only buffs the cards in the deck. Meaning the card you draw, if a creature, will be unbuffed. Thus you will only be able to draw a buffed card the next time you draw a card. While this card is not as expensive as the nature relic, it is still not a card you want to play early. And playing it late will not be able to have as much of an effect. 

These two reasons for these cards make the only time to play them when you either are ahead or in a status quo. And do you really want to have cards that are only good to play in those types of situations? I sure do not want that. If we look at the type of decks that are successful in the game, whether it be aggro decks, control decks, or any other type of decks. Almost all the cards do what they are supposed to do straight away, or there are cards that allow you to take advantage of the cards straight away. The Death deck Rock Drake is a good example of that. Instead of waiting for the Rock drake egg to burn to death, the player kills it themself. Giving their opponent no time to react.

Another drawback with these types of cards is also the fact that you can only play them at certain times. More often than not the cards end up being what is known as "dead cards" in your hand. Meaning cards you can not play for one reason or another. And having dead cards in hand is a sure way to lose the game.

Do you have any other good examples of "win more" cards, if you do please share them with the rest of us? Or do you perhaps know of any other "traps" players tend to find themself in the game, if so please share these as well? The comment section is open to you. If you would like to support me and the content I make, please consider following me, reading my other posts, or why not do both instead.

See you on the interwebs!

Picture provided by: Gods Unchained Media