I hope you are all well and had an excellent festive period, welcome to CryptoGod-1's blog on all things crypto

I hope you are all well and had an excellent festive period, welcome to CryptoGod-1's blog on all things crypto. As you are probably all well aware, the #SPOTtheMeme Contest has begun for the new tipping token SPOT. I have decided I will do my own little series of meme's between now and the end of the contest period. Not all will be revolving around the contest parameters of the #SPOTtheMeme Contest as this is just something I am doing up for fun, although some will and I will be entering them into the contest anyway. So without further ado, here is todays meme.

This Guy Wants Some Appreciation For His Effort

And the posted version on my Twitter below.

I think we all know that feeling when we are writing articles here on Publihs0x haha, although we love getting our tips.

I hope you enjoyed my meme, have a great day.


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