I Created a New Token With Only 10,000 Supply... And Will Give It Away

I've created a new token on Scroll called FINNOV (FIV). As you may know, Scroll is a new Ethereum zkEVM layer-2 chain. The gas fees are low on Scroll, and hence it is attracting a lot of developers. Interacting with Scroll might make you eligible to a future airdrop. So you can start by getting some FIV...

It has a total supply of 10,000 tokens and is not mintable. I'm giving away 10 FIV to everyone who follows me on and sends me a DM with their Ethereum / Scroll address (the one starting with 0x...).

Now, I know what you're thinking: "What's so special about this token?" Nothing, really. I just created it for fun. But who knows what might happen with a new token, especially one with such a limited supply?

Maybe it will become the next big thing. Maybe it will be worthless. But either way, it's worth a shot, right?

So what are you waiting for? Follow me on and send me a DM to claim your free FIV!