I Am Going Biswap Beast Mode In 2023 - Time To Acheive The Unacheivable


It's time to achieve the unachievable and go beast mode! I am confident that this year will be a great year for DeFi, cryptocurrencies and blockchain solutions, and this is why I am going bullish on

I will win the fight against the crypto bear! I will build up a healthy crypto portfolio! I will improve my passive income! I will go Biswap Beast Mode and I will reach all my goals for 2023!  will be by my side and will help me overcome challenges and set-backs! During bear market we grow stronger!

I choose because it's different than the other DEXs and DeFi protocols, constantly innovating the tools and always listening to the voice of the community. is above and beyond the standard crypto decentralized exchange, providing peer-to-peer crypto trading, NFT market, top staking options, dual-earning launchpools and the unique Multi-Reward Pool! 

There is something for everyone, and you will love even if you're not a trader. Content creators and influencers can tap into the 3-type referral system or earn a share of the $5,000,000 in $BSW allocated to the Space Agents Program

You can read my Biswap 2022 Review and see that everything is possible with hard work and the right DEX. I started  my   journey in the summer, with zero $BSW, and ended the year with thousands of tokens. 

December was full of surprises, and I was delighted to receive a Christmas Card from the Biswap Team. I created over 75 pieces of content for the Space Agents Program in only 5 months, and this is just the beginning of the journey!

The harvest on was sweet, and provided sunshine during a stormy 2022. I earned over 15,000 $BSW tokens and farmed many top tier crypto such as MATIC, LINK, DOT, ETH, Bitcoin, BFG or ADA.  This was beyond any expectation, and the attitude of gratitude is required. I am all pumped up by and I am growing my crypto bags for the bull-run!

I sold the tokens ones that I thought there are past their best when it comes to potential and utility, using the funds to buy more $BSW. The cryptocurrencies with strong vibes I sent to , where they can slowly grow in either flexible or locked earning opportunities.

My long term plan involves constant shuffling of the BSW stash into the most profitable pools, and either sell the farmed tokens for more $BSW or hold the top ones for perpetual growth! The farming never stops on

I had a top year, but I was just mirroring Biswap's succees! The year recap has top achievements, such as the launch of the Multi-Reward Pool, the Expert Mode on Exchange or the crypto-fiat integrations. was one of the starts at the BINANCE Blockchain Week, raising the standards in crypto-fashion at Paris.

The numbers are showing a constant organic growth, with 146,000 $BSW holders and over $52 billion in TTV. The Social Media channels bloomed, reaching 623,000 followers and subscribers.

roadmap was released, and it's going onwards and upwards. The integration of multi-lingual functions, perpetual trading and lock&burn instruments are planed for Q1, while a new AMM and routes optimizations will follow. Voting upgrades, the liquidity widget, the blog and UI/UX improvements are planned for the second part of the year. 

I was still farming at an accelerate rate when the New Year started, and my resolution had to be brave. I want to double my holdings by the end of 2023, so my goal is to reach 30,000 $BSW tokens. I was on track, as the rates for the FIL, DOT and LINK double-launchpools were adding both $BSW and a secondary power crypto. 

The new year will bring a clear farming routine, as the BSW holders voted for two double-launchpools that will last for 30 days. I voted for this system as well, as longer farming will require less fees to deposit and withdraw. The majority went for the long-run, as 92.53% of the holders voted for the month long pools.

The change was implemented and only two Double-Launchpools were added when all other pools become inactive. I added the max amount of BSW to farm ATOM and NEAR, for 30 days of bounty. 

Another opportunity to use my voting power arise when the community was invited to vote on the $BSW emission reduction. The emission is a necessary process that determines the token rate and its capabilities, and the token will increase in value if the emission rate is reduced.

The proposal to reduce the BSW emission is aiming to increase the token's value through positive growth dynamics. If implemented, it will be reduced from 16 to 15 tokens per block with 12 960 000 emission per month. Biswap is going Beast Mode if this proposal will pass and BSW will smash the bear market resistance! 

Moving from 13 824 000 tokens per month will boost in BSW value and create a long-term positive impact on the BSW price. I am playing the long-term game so my vote was to reduce the emission. Used my 15,648 voting power for a stronger BSW token!

I make plans and I achieve them! It helps me to have clear goals and it motivates me, so I set a target of 23,000 BSW tokens for 2023! This is just realistic approach, as the true challenge is to have 30,000 tokens by the end of the year. I finished 6th in the December Space Agents Program and won 600 BSW tokens, an important boost towards the set target. 

With both Double-Launchpools filled, I staked the prize into the Auto-BSW Pool. The whole amount will become withdrawable without a fee in three days, but this is not an issue as the current set-up will keep the NEAR and ATOM farms up and running for 30 days. 

The APY for ATOM is 27.66% and I am forecasting half ATOM and at least 15 $BSW until the pool will close. The NEAR Double-Launchpool just started, and I am hoping to farm at least 5 USD worth of NEAR and 10-15 BSW tokens.

There are few things certain in life, like rain in England, French people to say "Ouh-La-La" and to evolve! The newest progressive collaboration was made with the OKX Wallet, a non-custodial and decentralized multi-chain wallet. The OKX Wallet serves as a gateway for crypto assets, non-fungible tokens (NFT), decentralized finance (DeFi), and decentralized applications (DApps). 

Biswap Beast Mode for January, as the 20th month of activity shows strength and resilience against the bear market. is back at $0.20 and the community is buzzing like a humming bird! Tere are 620,000 biswappers and the trade volume reached nearly 500 million daily volume.

users are invited to bring constructive feedback on social media or in the local communities. Join me on  and let's have the biggest Cryptoverse party! Join the Biswap Social Media and Local Communities and be up to date with the blockchain evolution. With  you can read, learn and explore in your preferred language:

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