How Will Web3 Transform Creator Economy?

The Web3 creator economy is a new way through which content creators can make money and build their audience. A few years ago, it was not possible! Previously, artists were reliant on intermediaries and gatekeepers to find an audience for their work. Now the world is at their disposal. Intermediaries were necessary because creators didn't have the tools to reach their audience and monetize their work. The dynamic was simple: Content publishers created content and then placed it on platforms where users could view that content for free or at a cost (think television networks). The platforms would take a cut of every transaction made within its ecosystem (think cable companies). This setup worked well for decades, but not anymore.

How Creators Make Money?

In today’s creator economy, content creators get the majority of their income from sponsorships and brand deals. These are advertising-based models, which are subject to high levels of fraud due to non-transparent intermediaries, who take up to 30% of your revenue per deal. The ads run by the platform can take up to 10% of the revenue generated through your views.

In the Web3 economy, this will be different. Creators will earn their income directly from fans in crypto via a decentralized platform powered by blockchain technology. Smart contracts (self-executing code) will allow for direct payments between fans and creators without any middlemen or intermediaries taking a cut for transactions on the platform. In other words, brands can pay you directly for your work without anyone else getting involved in the transaction process—it’s all peer-to-peer between fans and creators with no need for third-party verification or traditional payment methods like credit cards or PayPal (which charge users high fees). Moreover, the platform can also have a reward pool or staking mechanism to further multiply the income.

Why Web3 Creator Economy Will Succeed?

Powered by blockchain & crypto, Web3 can now help creators get paid more:

  • frequently
  • securely
  • globally
  • consistently

Tokenized Communities & Engagement

Cryptocurrencies unlock new forms of engagement: if fans want something from their favorite creator, they can pay them directly using cryptocurrency instead of waiting around until creators release merchandise or any other product. This is an activity that might take months if not years!

Crypto-powered tokenization is already helping creators build a community of fans, who in turn can engage with them in new ways. In fact, the vast majority of creators are already receiving support from their audiences — so it’s only logical that crypto/blockchain will continue to play a role in strengthening this relationship.

Creators can now sell NFTs and offer perks or exclusives as rewards for their most loyal supporters. Fans would also be able to use tokens as an alternative form of payment at live events and festivals, something that was not possible before.

Crypto allows fans to contribute more directly to creators they enjoy.

It's not just about the money, crypto allows fans to contribute more directly to creators they enjoy. In other words, the barrier to entry is lower than ever before. You don't need a Netflix subscription or Youtube premium plan; all you need is some ETH or any other crypto and a few minutes of your time.

In contrast with platforms like YouTube that take up to 45% of revenue from creators' videos, crypto platforms allow users direct access to their favorite creators' work without any middlemen taking a cut along the way.

Web3 Is Still In Its Infancy

For creators, these are exciting times! Web3 is a new paradigm for creators and fans alike. It promises to reduce friction and intermediaries between creators and their audiences. They can connect directly on open-source platforms that cannot be censored or tampered with by any single entity. While the Web3 revolution is still in its infancy, there are already signs that it will transform the creator economy.