How to think outside the box when you don´t see the box.

Probably each of us has been bonded to some other domain before we got involved in the crypto market. For me it is the world of widely understood creativity. Looking for the least expected, never-seen-before, fresh approaches to ordinary and day-to-day activities and experiences, has been simply put my bread and butter.

Therefore, not surprisingly, I immersed myself in the crypto world with my usual approach “how to squeeze the most out of the creative ways of using something”, trying to understand the majority of these informatics-related, programing phrases and concepts, following the quote of the master “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” (Picasso).

Before I even start with this topic, I would like to tell you something about creativity. I suggest you to take a moment to think how you see it. Generally, creative jobs for some look like quite easy, completely unstructured, and difficult to define jobs (where you work 8 hours and the final result is only one (!) sentence (but geez how witty&surprising sometimes…), others recognize the craft of thinking more than doing, and there are some who prefer more concrete activities without thinking about everything and nothing at once.

The creative process can give you both: the sweet taste of joy and energy created by the ideas that pop up and mix in your imagination, as well as a draining feeling caused by the intense process of looking for something that you know doesn’t exist yet.

Once I heard the metaphor that was regarding completely different topic, but it fits perfectly here. It goes: the rats in a labyrinth can look for a way out. They can move around the labyrinth, change the ways, and experiment with their routes. But they don’t think about deleting the walls of the labyrinth – they just take them as something unchangeable, impossible to erase, impossible to influence, unmovable. So that the rats, being unconscious of other possibilities, don’t look for any innovative idea to get out from the maze.

The labyrinth for the rats represents our self-created limitations - only the scale is different.

How many times people thought everything has already been created? How many times in history we were living in a box, fearing of or fighting against new ideas, trying to maintain the stat quo?

Our generation could be the one of the most opened-minded and the one of the most closed-minded at the same time, in my opinion. The rapid and amazing progress has made us believe that:

  1. Everything is possible.
  2. Everything that is brilliant and convenient for a humankind has already been thought of – and now it’s time for consumption.

The fact is: there are so many ways yet to discover (and the crypto community surely understands that – we constantly witness some newness). Also, there are so many ways that still need a passage between them. When you accept that there is indeed a box, and you’re sitting right in the middle, this is the first step to erase its walls.

When entering this world from the area of colorful kaleidoscopes of concepts, I notice here the infinite potential that only awaits to be awakened in each of you. You already know the rules. Break them like artists.


Realx, keep calm, chill and think unusually.