How To Shill Your Favorite Coin(s) - Do's and Don'ts

We all have cryptocurrency projects that we are passionate about to the point that we want them to receive the attention they deserve. We accomplish this through conversation in person or through digital communication such as social media, forums, and blogs. We frequently get caught up in the excitement and do this incorrectly. This post is based on my experience when talking about my interests in the cryptocurrency space, and I hope some of you find it useful.

What you

  • Take a balanced approach in your conversations - You will obviously talk about the positive aspects of it, but don't forget the problems it faces. Share your thoughts on how the issues could be resolved in the future. This will allow people to better understand the project.
  • Respond to their inquiries without dismissing them - There are no stupid questions, and when their questions are answered, they will understand better and be willing to learn more. They are beginners, just as you once were.
  • Always mention the risks - There may be potential gains, but there are also potential risks. Let them know what they are getting into before choosing to become a part of it.
  • Never let them do what you would not - If you are strategically buying into the project, but your friend decides to go all in, let them know that you would not do the same.

What you should not do

  • Lie or exaggerate about certain aspects - Tricking somebody into investing their money for your own personal gain is an inhumane thing to do. Remember that everyone else is looking for financial freedom and does not want to be misled when making important financial decisions.
  • Be an obnoxious "crypto bro" - This applies when talking to friends and family. Elude from making them feel nauseated by talking about cryptocurrency all of the time. There are plenty of other topics to discuss and if you don't, they might even start avoiding you.
  • Be hostile or threatening - We tend to lose our grasp on social conduct when talking about our interests. What might seem like confidence to you could come off as aggressive to others. Remember that you don't want to force them into making poor choices.