How to master: The Handstand Pushup Week 1

Week one of obtaining the strength and skill of doing a handstand push up...with out a wall.  I'll teach you, but it's gonna cost you some micro crypto...

Warm up with some shoulder rotations, and stretch your shoulders and triceps.  Start with a light version of whatever exercise you will be doing, in order to best flush that portion of your body with blood.

Military Press with hands hip height

Stand with your heels together, bend over and place your hands against a hip heights surface (chair or steps) with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. This is the starting position.

Step 1

Bend your arms at the elbow until the top of the head is almost touching the chair between your hands.

Step 2

While keeping your chest down, push yourself back up to the starting position. For added difficulty pause at the bottom of the movement. For more aded difficulty, lower the surface to something knee height.

 Moving on to the Military press on the ground, once it has been mastered, you should begin to elevate your feet. You can press your feet on the wall, or hold them up on a weighted chair or steps. Please don't use steps if it's not a safe surface to cushion a fall. If you gradually lowered your leverage from the table, to the chair, you should have the proper muscles to balance and maintain at least six reps on the ground. If you feel confident after proving to yourself you can do a few sets elevated, to prepare for the following weeks work. Remember not to force yourself with out proper warm up and stretching.  Even then, your first sets should not be maximum force, or you can still injure the muscle.


Coming next week's shoulder work out: Working our friend the triceps (pushing muscles) Diamond press ups and Surface triceps extensions. I really love working this muscle group, but we can not over load one muscle in calisthenics with out working another (not isolated, but compound) which will impede on the progression series we have here. Not everything is going to be a simple lowering of the surface until you get to the floor.  As in some complex exercises where balance is needed, other exercises will need to be exchanged to better serve shoulders, abs, glutes, and hamstrings in order to better maintain form on the entire movement.


If you wondered what a PLANCHE push up is, or never heard of one? Give me a follow, because I have already begun the first basic foundation of that exercise. 


Of course everyone's favorite...

The True show of strength, THE ONE ARMED PULL UP progression series