How to Liquid Stake Cosmos Atom Tokens in QuickSilver

I will show you how to Liquid Stake Cosmos Atom Tokens in QuickSiver.

What is QuickSilver?

Quicksilver is a permission less COSMOS SDK based liquid staking provider for Cosmos interchain ecosystem. Quicksilver Protocol allows delegators of Proof-of-stake network to stake assets by validating Inter Block Chain (IBC)-enabled chains. In return delegators receive derived vouchers representative of their staking positions. Quicksilver provide interchain liquid staking that scaled to all validators across the network of IBC connected chains while preserving users' governance rights. It maximize liquidity and capital efficiency while improving network security and decentralization. The QCK assets vouchers which represents their staked assets which can be used in Defi protocols.

How to Liquid Stake ATOM on QuickSilver

Go to Keplr Dashboard.

I have 1 ATOM* token lying around. I wanted to stake in the Quicksilver.

Go to Cosmos Hub. Click on Liquid Staking. It will take you to You can connect to Cosmos Wallet like Keplr, Leap or Comostation Chrome extension wallet. I connect with my Keplr wallet. Then, it will ask for chose the network. I chose the Cosmos network. The other options are Regen and Stars networks. I only have 1.0 ATOM token to liquid stake on QuickSilver IBC. I chose the supernova delegate. There was no particular reason to pick Supernova delegate. A 1 qATOM or staked ATOM is worth 1.0203 regular ATOM tokens. The Quicksilver said I cannot stake all 1 ATOM. I can only stake 0.7467 ATOM tokens out of the 1 ATOM token. I selected 0.74 ATOM and clicked Next. Then click stake. Pay gas fee with Keplr walllet. Make sure to selected the least amount of gas. Transactions on Cosmos chain is instant and very low gas fee in sub cents range.

Now go back to assets tab. I see my 0.74 qATOM tokens. I don to earn any QCK as of now but in the future I will be earning rewards. I wanted to stake Cosmos tokens so I can be eligible for STARGAZE Airdrop in the future. I can claim QCK tokens as rewards for participating in delegators for validating the network every 3 day which is an epoch time frame.

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