How to find new and discover new projects

Sometimes can be hard to find new projects. This task may take many hours time reading whitepapers and connecting with the community normally the communities use telegram and Reddit this helps everyone to know the people and also they use Twitter and in some cases Instagram social media is the most important thing for this sometimes this newer projects use airdrops an airdrop is a way to show the coin or token and having more addresses with this coins or tokens sometimes airdrops are a good way Coinmarket Cap has a variety of this another is Twitter you can enter as many as you and this helps sometimes is a  good way to earn all the time. The things you need to focus on depending on the coin sometimes is the whitepaper you go to the coin page read everything their future plans sometimes there is an important thing like a road map and how are they going to be acting in the next 2 or 3 years some also read the messages in the community is really important mainly because if the admins never answer there are no plans it may be a scam you need to have many red flags like strange admin, no plans no future, not enough people in the community, no information. 

There are some good projects nowadays there is PI and Coinweb there are many more those are projects that I liked that may have a future 

This is not an investment advise do your own research on these coins if you decide 

If leave a project that you liked in the comment below 

Happy Holidays