How to easily trade AWC on Trust Wallets internal exchange? In five easy steps!

Hi everyone I was thinking what's the easiest way to trade AWC? Of course, the easiest way would be if AWC just not had to leave the Atomic wallet. But this is not yet possible. I am therefore in favor of providing Atomic Wallet with an internal exchange such as Trust wallet. I do not mean the swap mechanism. But actually a built-in exchange in Atomic Wallet through BINANCE DEX for example.

You do not have to use private keys or perform other actions that can be confusing for trading. By following these steps you will never have to send AWC from your wallet. Only if you use 2 wallets like I do by using Atomic wallet as a pantry. And I use Trust wallet to trade.

Now there are 5 steps that allow you to trade AWC on your phone via Trust wallet in an easy way.

5 easy steps to trade AWC

Step 1

The first thing is that you have to own, trade or buy BNB so that you can trade AWC in Trust wallets built-in exchange.

Step 2

Now press the middle icon (the two arrows pointing to the left and right). This will bring you to the next screen and step 3:

Step 3

Press the icon at the top left of the screen in my case this is PYN / BNB. But this may be different in your case. If you have done this, you will be taken to step 4. 

Step 4

Press AWC in the search bar and you will see the following screen:

Step 5

Press the remaining icon and you will see the following screen where you can start trading:

  Final words

I think this is the best way to buy and trade AWC so far. It can also mean that your AWC no longer has to leave your wallet. You do not have to enter your data, private keys or other sensitive information anywhere. What is asked when using Binance DEX look here:

Now this is of course no problem if the party is involved is trust worthy. (Remember never ever give someone your 12 / 24 pass phrase or private keys!). But as long as I don't have to enter private keys, I don't do this. It is also very easy to trade this way. No complicated incons or charts. A disadvantage is that you cannot see a graph of the AWC BEP2 coin ongly of the ERC20 version.

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